California Energy Commission workshop in Berkeley on changing trends in sources of crude oil & transport

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Save the date!  The California Energy Commission will be holding a public meeting on changing trends in sources of crude oil & transport at the Berkeley City College auditorium on Wednesday, June 25 at 9am (details below).    An opportunity to give the CEC an earful about what they modestly term “market changes.”  See p. 3 of the downloadable PDF for public comment instructions, background, etc.   Basic info follows below.

California Energy Commission Workshop
RE: Crude Oil

Notice of Lead Commissioner Workshop on Trends in
Sources of Crude Oil

The California Energy Commission Lead Commissioner on the Integrated Energy Policy Report will conduct a workshop to highlight changing trends in California’s sources of crude oil with emphasis on the potential growth of crude oil transport to California by rail, and the impacts of these trends on the transportation energy market and existing government policies. The discussions will focus on existing and possible new roles of federal, state, and local government to address market changes.

Commissioner Janea A. Scott, Chair Robert Weisenmiller, and Commissioner Karen Douglas will be in attendance.  CPUC President Michael R. Peevey will also be in attendance.  Commissioner Scott is the Lead Commissioner for the 2014 IEPR Update and the Lead Commissioner on Transportation.  Other Commissioners of the California Energy Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission may attend and participate in the workshop.  The workshop will be held:

June 25, 2014, 9:00 AM
Berkeley City College Auditorium
2050 Center Street, Berkeley, California 94704
(Wheelchair Accessible)
Remote Access Available by Computer or Phone via WebEx™
(Instructions background, agenda, etc  here)