Davis City Council votes to oppose crude by rail and to file comments under CEQA

City of Davis Council opposes Valero Crude by Rail

By Roger Straw, The Benicia Independent

On Tuesday, April 22, 2014, the Davis California City Council passed a resolution entitled “Opposition to Transportation of Crude Oil Through the City of Davis and Adjacent Habitat Areas.”

A highly significant passage reads as follows: “NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Davis hereby opposes using existing Union Pacific rail lines to transport hazardous crude oil through the City of Davis and adjacent habitat areas, and resolves to:  a) File comments in opposition on CEQA documents and any draft permit approvals, such as air permits or zoning changes for transport of crude, as they occur, for projects including, but not limited to the following: Santa Maria Refinery, Benicia Valero Refinery, with the objective of ensuring that adequate and appropriate safety measures, mitigations, and protocols are in place to ensure the safety and security of the residents .and visitors of the City of Davis and our adjacent habitat areas.”

Following are links to the Agenda, Staff Report, Resolution and video of the Council meeting.

Davis City Council Agenda Apr 22, 2014 – Agenda


Opposition to Transportation of Oil-by-Rail Rail Along the Union Pacific Railway through Davis for the Purposes of Ensuring Community Safety (Community Development & Sustainability Director Mike Webb/City Attorney Harriet Steiner)


    1. Approve Resolution Opposing the Transportation of Crude Oil Through the City of Davis and Adjacent Habitat Areas
    2. Authorize the City Attorney and staff to undertake the action items set forth in the Resolution

Staff Report and Resolution
This is an excellent 7 page document.  Note that the Resolution might be a good model for other communities who wish to pursue a local ban on crude by rail.

Davis City Council Apr 22, 2014 – video
Discussion and vote on crude by rail begins at 1:39:50 and ends at 2:09:53.