Jan Cox Golovich letter: Benicia’s big problem

Repost from The Vallejo Times-Herald
[Editor: Jan Cox Golovich is a former Benicia City Councilmember.  – RS]

Jan Cox Golovich: Benicia’s big problem

Vallejo Times-Herald, 10/24/2014

Behind closed doors, the Benicia City Attorney and certain members of the city council have attempted and failed to strip the mayor of her First Amendment right of free speech. Even though they refuse to identify themselves to the public, the council members have revealed their desperation to salvage Valero’s doomed and dangerous Crude By Rail project.

The city attorney has a much bigger problem— the State Attorney General has called out the city for the legal inadequacy of Valero’s Crude by Rail Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). Lined up behind the state is a long list of other public agencies, NGO’s and community groups ready to humiliate the city in court should it dare certify the document without major revisions and recirculation.

A competent city attorney, acting in the public interest, would extricate us from this legal dilemma by withdrawing the currently flawed DEIR and defend freedom of speech with all her might.

Jan Cox Golovich/Former member Benicia City Council