Letter from Kamala Harris, California Attorney General

The California Attorney General office has weighed in on the failures of the Pittsburg WesPac recirculated EIR.  This could be important for us in Benicia.  See Ltr to POLLOT 1-15-2014 date revised

Marilyn Bardet writes that this letter “gets at the lack of cumulative analysis of emissions impacts and other potentially catastrophic risks to Pittsburg residents in the immediate vicinity of WesPac’s proposed terminal, but also, the ‘cumulatively considerable’ impacts (the fallout, including exponentially increasing risk to public health and safety) of delivering increasing quantities of ‘extreme crudes’ for processing at Bay Area refineries.”

The Attorney General’s letter is useful to us in Benicia as we prepare our remarks and comments for the Draft EIR on the Valero Crude by Rail proposal.

Marilyn also pointed out another example of a discussion of how to account for cumulative impacts, an excerpt from a DEIR review of “Grizzly Bluff Natural Gas Field Development Project” in Humbolt County:  http://co.humboldt.ca.us/planning/smara/docs/fg-section-4-5-6.pdf

Thanks, Marilyn!