Report: Oil Trains Threaten 25 Million Americans, Wildlife

Repost from Endangered Earth, Center For Biological Diversity

Center For Biological Diversity Report: Oil Trains Threaten 25 Million Americans, Wildlife

No. 762, Feb. 19, 2015

North Dakota oil train explosionAs the investigation continues into the two latest explosive oil-train derailments in Ontario and West Virginia, the Center for Biological Diversity released a report this morning outlining striking new details about the risk oil trains pose to people and wildlife across the country. Our analysis, called Runaway Risks, finds that 25 million Americans live within the one-mile “evacuation zone” and that oil trains routinely pass within a quarter-mile of 3,600 miles of streams and more than 73,000 square miles of lakes, wetlands and reservoirs.

These dangerous trains also pass through 34 national wildlife refuges and critical habitat for 57 threatened and endangered species, including bull trout, salmon, piping plovers and California red-legged frogs.

Oil-by-rail transport has increased 40-fold since 2008 without any meaningful new safety measures. As a result, destructive accidents and spills are now occurring with disturbing frequency.

“The federal government has failed to provide adequate protection from these bomb trains,” said the Center’s Jared Margolis. “We clearly need a moratorium on crude-by-rail until the safety of our communities and the environment can be ensured.”

Read about the report, check out this interactive map of oil train routes around the country, and then tell the Obama administration to protect us from these dangerous trains.