The Trump Admin’s Misleading Justifications for Repealing This Oil Train Safety Rule

Repost from DeSmogBlog The Trump Admin’s Misleading Justifications for Repealing This Oil Train Safety Rule By Justin Mikulka • Sunday, December 10, 2017 – 05:02 On December 4, the Department of Transportation (DOT) announced it would repeal a critical safety regulation for modern braking systems on the same oil trains which have derailed, spilled oil, caught fire, exploded, and … Continue reading The Trump Admin’s Misleading Justifications for Repealing This Oil Train Safety Rule

Oil Train Safety Rules Getting Rolled Back By Trump Adminstration

Repost from KUOW Public Radio, Seattle, WA Oil Train Safety Rules Getting Rolled Back By Trump Adminstration By Courtney Flatt, December 6, 2017 The Trump administration is rolling back a requirement for trains carrying highly explosive liquids — like the oil trains that run through the Columbia River Gorge en route to Northwest refineries. The … Continue reading Oil Train Safety Rules Getting Rolled Back By Trump Adminstration

Trump Names Climate Denier to Head White House Environmental Council

Repost from DeSmogBlog Trump Names Climate Denier Kathleen Hartnett-White to Head White House Environmental Council By Steve Horn, October 13, 2017 09:32 President Donald Trump, as first reported by EnergyWire’s Hannah Northey‏ on Twitter and as stated in a White House press release, has named Kathleen Hartnett-White to chair the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Hartnett-White, as previously reported by DeSmog, is a prominent … Continue reading Trump Names Climate Denier to Head White House Environmental Council

NY Times: CA Attorney General Becerra Stops Trump Effort to Turn Back Environmental “Flaring” Regulations

Repost from The New York Times [Significant quote: “Xavier Becerra, the attorney general of California, who has been perhaps the most aggressive of the state officials suing to challenge Trump administration rollbacks, said he hopes the White House is getting the message.” – RS] Courts Thwart Administration’s Effort to Rescind Obama-Era Environmental Regulations By Eric Lipton, … Continue reading NY Times: CA Attorney General Becerra Stops Trump Effort to Turn Back Environmental “Flaring” Regulations