Stop Trump’s bold move: STAND UP FOR CLEANER CARS

Repost from The Climate Reality Project STAND UP FOR CLEANER CARS The Trump Administration has announced it will reopen the midterm review of fuel efficiency and clean car standards – a process completed less than a year ago when more than 8,000 Climate Reality supporters spoke out for higher fuel economy standards. Now, we’re asking … Continue reading Stop Trump’s bold move: STAND UP FOR CLEANER CARS

Environmental Integrity Project: Trump lowers fines on polluters

Repost from the New York Times Study: Fines for Illegal Pollution Plummet Under Trump Michael Biesecker, The Associated Press, AUG. 10, 2017, 2:24 P.M. E.D.T. WASHINGTON — Fines for illegal pollution have plummeted under President Donald Trump, according to analysis by an environmental advocacy group. The Environmental Integrity Project looked at that civil penalties paid by polluters … Continue reading Environmental Integrity Project: Trump lowers fines on polluters

California Attorney General Calls on Trump to Close Loophole that Exposes Communities to “Bomb Trains”

Press Release from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra [Editor:  See also KQED California Report, “AG Becerra Wants Trump Administration to Make Crude-Carrying ‘Bomb Trains’ Safer”  Also, see the NRDC blog on this story.   And … sadly … see a similar story from December, 2015.  – RS] Attorney General Becerra Calls on Trump to Close Loophole that … Continue reading California Attorney General Calls on Trump to Close Loophole that Exposes Communities to “Bomb Trains”

Six States’ Attorneys General To Trump Administration: Close Loophole Allowing Trains To Carry Explosive Crude Oil Through Communities

Press release, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman [Editor: Six state attorneys general, including California’s Xavier Becerra, are asking federal regulators to place new restrictions on crude oil trains that pass through their states.  – RS] A.G. Schneiderman, Fellow AGs To Trump Administration: Close Loophole Allowing Trains To Carry Explosive Crude Oil Through Communities Eric T. Schneiderman … Continue reading Six States’ Attorneys General To Trump Administration: Close Loophole Allowing Trains To Carry Explosive Crude Oil Through Communities