January 6: A Date Which, in One Key Respect, Will Live in Infamy Even Worse Than Pearl Harbor

[Note from BenIndy: This post was first published on Stephen Golub’s blog, A Promised Land: America as a Developing Country. There, Steve blogs about domestic and international politics and policy, including lessons that the United States can learn from other nations. If interested, you may sign up for future posts by subscribing to the blog. The … Continue reading January 6: A Date Which, in One Key Respect, Will Live in Infamy Even Worse Than Pearl Harbor

Bill McKibben: “An odd silence…at the end of humanity’s hottest year (yet)”

[BenIndy Contributor Kathy Kerridge: An essay about the biggest story of the year…] From The Crucial Years, a Substack by Bill McKibben, December 28, 2023 The world—its politics, its economy, and its journalism—has trouble coping with the scale of the climate crisis. We can’t quite wrap our collective head around it, which has never been … Continue reading Bill McKibben: “An odd silence…at the end of humanity’s hottest year (yet)”

Stephen Golub: This Thanksgiving, Let’s Be Thankful for What We Don’t Have

By Stephen Golub, November 23, 2023, previously published in the Benicia Herald Each Thanksgiving, and whenever I need to remind myself to feel thankful, my mind turns to an interview I conducted in a Southeast Asian refugee camp decades ago… Back in 1985, fresh out of law school, I was dispatched by a U.S. human … Continue reading Stephen Golub: This Thanksgiving, Let’s Be Thankful for What We Don’t Have

November 3 Deadline for the Survey That Will Help You Shape Benicia’s Future

By Stephen Golub, posted in the Benicia Herald on October 29, 2023 If you go to https://www.ci.benicia.ca.us/strategicplan, or simply search for “Benicia Strategic Plan,” you’ll find a short but important online survey that the City has commissioned to help set priorities for years to come. The survey is one stage in a strategic planning process, … Continue reading November 3 Deadline for the Survey That Will Help You Shape Benicia’s Future