Benicia School Board Trustee Ferrucci: ‘I do not believe a recall vote is in the best interest of our community.’

By Roger Straw, February 3, 2021

Ferrucci criticizes negativity on social media and distances herself from the recall effort organized by a family member of the same last name.

Diane Ferrucci, BUSD Trustee

On February 1, I wrote here on the Benicia Independent, “As of yesterday and as far as I can determine, past president Ferrucci has not come out to say that the recall is misguided.  Nor has she called on her daughter-in-law to stop the effort, but has stood back and let the recall unfold.  Power play?  (Stay tuned – if I hear otherwise, I’ll correct it here.)

I wish to correct my statement here today.

Today, February 3, on her Facebook page, Trustee Ferrucci took a public position criticizing speculation on social media as to her involvement, and clarifying her opposition to the recall campaign.

As a resident in this community for 40 years and an educator for almost 50 years, I am appalled at the negativity on social media.

It has come to my attention that some may believe that the recall campaign focused on two school board members is my doing. This assumption could not be further from the truth.

Simply because I share a last name with a parent involved in the recall process does not mean that I am involved in or endorse this approach. I do not believe a recall vote is in the best interest of our community. I am truly sorry that this is happening to anyone.

Ferrucci’s criticism of “negativity on social media” could refer to my having posted my February 1 opinion on Benicia Nextdoor, and multiple posts by other concerned Benicia parents and residents.

I welcome  Ferrucci’s opposition to a misguided and expensive effort to unseat two respected members of Benicia’s School Board.  It would be great if all five of the current Trustees could issue a joint statement of opposition.


Here is the full text of Ferrucci’s Feb. 3 statement:

As a resident in this community for 40 years and an educator for almost 50 years, I am appalled at the negativity on social media.

It has come to my attention that some may believe that the recall campaign focused on two school board members is my doing. This assumption could not be further from the truth.

Simply because I share a last name with a parent involved in the recall process does not mean that I am involved in or endorse this approach. I do not believe a recall vote is in the best interest of our community. I am truly sorry that this is happening to anyone.

I do find it contradictory to the democratic ideals of our country that some people feel I should use my family connection to stop any parent from lawfully expressing their opinions about school issues. As an elected official, I believe every voice deserves to be heard and when being board president was my role, I made it my practice to review and respond to the comments of each member of our constituency to the best of my ability even when the author did not agree with me.

The idea that I would spur this recall campaign for political gain is also a falsehood. Each trustee represents a specific geographic area of the city. Recalling one member of the Board means that another person from that area would need to be appointed or elected to the seat.

The Board is structured to allow for growth by moving through different leadership and committee positions including clerk and president. I have served my term per our bylaws in these positions with integrity and see the wisdom in having other Board members step up, learn and serve in these roles.

As one parent recently wrote to us, “Board members have a responsibility to the students, their families, the teachers, and the staff.” Like her, I believe that we are responsible to all of our constituents, and I would hope that members of the community and my colleagues on the Board, would agree that all of our constituents deserve to have their opinions recognized and fairly addressed. While some may write more eloquently than others, in the end, we are all working toward what we believe is best for our students. We, as Board members, however, must weigh and balance all of the community concerns with the needs of our students, the state and federal guidance, and the goals of the district to make decisions that lead BUSD forward.

To fail to recognize any of these voices only creates further discord in these already difficult times.

We must work together keep what’s best for the success of our students in the forefront.

Since this is my personal statement, I would appreciate no comments.