California Refineries: Gas Stations of the Pacific Rim?

Repost from the Sunflower Alliance, May 16, 2024

Oil companies try to scare us away from limiting fuel production by saying it would increase prices.  But demand for fossil fuels is actually decreasing in California and throughout the US West.  This should be a good reason for ramping down production.  Instead, California refineries are pivoting to export an increasing amount of their products—now about 1/3—including the dirtiest fuel, petcoke.

This  map shows where California refinery fuel exports go.

Click the image to enlarge. | Image from” Community Energy reSource Comments – Refinery fuel exports map and table, annotated,” submitted in reference to Project “SB X1-2 Implementation,” Docket No. 23-SB-02, May 16, 2024 (TN# 256434).

Read the important comment submitted by Community Energy ReSource to the California Energy Commission for its process of implementing SB X1-2, the California Gas Price Gouging and Transparency Law.

Key quote:  “Refiners in California have already pivoted toward export of the dirtiest-burning fuels they refine here.  Now a crucial question arises: Instead of phasing down oil refining as the state moves toward zero emission vehicles, will refiners here pivot to export more and more of their ongoing fuels production? Tracking exports from refineries in California matters.”