Latest derailment: Brockville, Ontario

Repost rom The Toronto Star

Brockville train derailment ‘could have been a lot worse’

CN train skipped the tracks outside town, with empty tankers that carried only residue of jet fuel.
By: Jessica McDiarmid, July 10 2014
Cars lie all over the tracks outside Brockville, after an early-morning derailment on Thursday.
Cars lie all over the tracks outside Brockville, after an early-morning derailment on Thursday. Transportation Safety Board

The photos show a dozen black tank cars thrown from the rails and tossed to each side. Crushed vehicles spew from two automobile carriers; empty platform cars lie crippled in the grass beside the tracks.

The Canadian National freight train that skipped the rails in Brockville, Ont., early Thursday morning shut down the major rail artery east from Toronto, forcing passenger service Via Rail to cancel trains between Union Station and both Ottawa and Montreal. The company brought in buses to transport some 3,600 people booked to travel on the 29 trains scheduled for the day.

Local officials said the train was travelling at about 100 km/h when it careened off the tracks about 115 kilometres south of Ottawa. The 26-car derailment occurred beside a golf course on the western edge of the community of 40,000.

It’s an unpopulated area; there were no injuries.

The derailment happened just after 4 a.m. Thursday, said CN spokesperson Lindsay Fechyshyn. The train was eastbound when it jumped the tracks shortly before it would have entered the town, where the rails rub up against a hospital, schools and residential neighbourhoods.

“It could have been a lot worse than it was,” Elizabethtown-Kitley Township fire chief Jim Donovan told the local newspaper, the Recorder and Times.

Of the derailed cars, 13 were tankers that had carried highly flammable aviation fuel, but were currently empty.

“They’re not full, but they would have some residue,” said Fechyshyn. It didn’t appear there had been any leaks or spills, she said. Two of the cars were carrying automobiles, five were carrying carbon powder — commonly used in water filtration systems — and six were empty platform cars.

Fechyshyn added that it was too early to speculate on the cause of the derailment. The Transportation Safety Board (TSB) is investigating.

Coming just days after the sombre one-year anniversary of the catastrophic derailment in Lac-Megantic, which left 47 people dead and the town’s core decimated, the incident prompted a chorus of what-if’s among critics of Canada’s rail safety program and recent measures purported to improve it.

“It is only a matter of time before we see another Lac-Megantic,” said Michael Butler, a campaigner with the Council of Canadians who regularly blogs about rail safety issues. “I don’t feel this is hyperbole or alarmist … The nature of our railway industry — and its cargo — has changed, but the regulations which are supposed to be in place to protect our communities and environment seem to be stuck in the last century.”

According to TSB data, rail accidents are on the decline. But the materials involved in those accidents are changing, though precisely how remains murky.

Transport Canada has ordered rail companies to share historical, aggregate information with local emergency officials on the types of dangerous goods transported through their communities. But that data will only be released under a strict veil of secrecy.

In the GTA, which is traversed by both CN and CP main lines, residents and municipal politicians have protested, arguing that people who live alongside the tracks have the right to know what passes by their homes. A Star investigation found that, over two 12-hour periods alone, hundreds of tankers carrying crude oil, radioactive material and toxic chemicals trundled through Toronto.

Shipments of volatile crude oil have risen dramatically. Figures provided by Transport Canada, which regulates federal railroads, showed that nearly 128,000 carloads of crude moved in Canada in 2013, compared with about 53,000 the year before. In 2009, only 144 carloads of crude were shipped.

But it’s unclear what quantities of other dangerous goods — materials such as chlorine, ammunition, radioactive materials — are transported in the country.

Transport Canada previously told the Star that about 600,000 carloads of dangerous goods were moved by Canada’s two major carriers, Canadian National and Canadian Pacific, in 2013. But on Thursday the department wouldn’t provide yearly totals for the preceding four years, citing a Canada Transportation Act section that prohibits releasing statistics that could be related to an individual carrier because the information is “commercially sensitive.”

Earlier questions about particular types of dangerous goods were met with the same response.

In 2013, there were 1,067 accidents, slightly up from the 1,011 reported in 2012, according to the TSB. Dangerous goods were involved in 144 of those incidents, an increase from 119 the previous year, as well as from the five-year average of 133.

Seven accidents resulted in a dangerous-goods release, more than double the five-year average of three. Five of the seven were crude oil.

“This increase is concurrent with an increase in shipments of crude oil by rail,” the TSB notes in its annual statistical summary.

Letter to the California Energy Commission: a stronger approach to rail safety

[Editor: The Benicia Independent joined the NRDC, the City of Berkeley, Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community and many other organizations with this letter to the California Energy Commission building on recommendations of the State of California Interagency Rail Safety Working Group, and asking for a more aggressive approach to rail safety in California.  Below is the lead paragraph – click here for the full 8-page letter in PDF format.  – RS]

July 10, 2014

Via Email to:
California Energy Commission
Dockets Office, MS-4
1516 Ninth Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-5512

Re: Docket No. 14-IEP-1F; Additional Recommendations for Oil By Rail Safety in California

Dear Commissioners Weisenmiller, Scott, Hochschild, McAllister, and Douglas:

On behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the City of Berkeley and the undersigned groups, representing over 500,000 members, activists, and residents in California, we write to submit comments on the policy recommendations included in the report “Oil by Rail Safety in California” by the State of California Interagency Rail Safety Working Group (“the report”). The report was released on June 10, 2014, and includes background on the rise of crude-by-rail transport in California and an overview of the unique risks that crude-by-rail transport poses to California, along with recommendations for actions the state should take to address those risks. We commend the state for taking this first step towards addressing this urgent issue, and particularly are impressed with recommendations to increase support to local emergency responders and extend the Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) fee to apply to rail shipments of crude. There are a number of areas, however, where we are concerned that the Working Group’s recommendations are not aggressive enough to address the full extent of the serious safety, public health, and environmental risks of crude-by-rail.  [ MORE ]


We’ve Waited A Year For This – Thursday, 7/10, Benicia Planning Commission – BE THERE!

For survivors in Lac-Mégantic, for all of us here – This Thursday, Planning Commission meeting – BE THERE!

Benicia Independent Editor Roger Straw, July 7, 2014

A year ago, a runaway crude oil train exploded at 1am in downtown Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, killing 47, virtually destroying their downtown, and fouling the land, air and the river running through town.

At that time here in Benicia, a group of residents were preparing an educational forum on the likely environmental impacts of Valero’s Crude By Rail (CBR) proposal.  We had been calling for a full Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

The accident in Canada was a shocking eye-opener for those of us who were raising issues about Valero CBR.  Not only would these 3/4-mile-long trains full of Bakken crude oil and/or tar sands dilbit present a threat to the environment during extraction and refining – we now knew for a fact that they would also bring a profound risk of massive spills and deadly explosions whenever one would derail.

It wasn’t long after the explosion in Canada that I began to think that the requirement of a full EIR was not enough; that our leaders in Benicia simply had to take courage and say NO.  Our decision on Valero Crude By Rail here in our city of 27,000 affects the health and safety of millions uprail of here, from the extraction pits and fracking fields in the upper Midwest to communities all along the tracks.  Residents, schools, commercial centers, mountain passes and protected wetlands are at risk of MORE than just damage – this threat goes to a risk of destruction, absolute loss.

Since Lac-Mégantic, there have been at least 8 other major derailments in North America, including 5 more with catastrophic explosions.  The massive increase in crude by rail has dramatically increased the risk of accidental spills and deadly fires.

On this coming Thursday evening in Benicia’s City Hall, you are encouraged to join with our Planning Commission to express your questions and concerns related to Valero’s Draft EIR.  (Agenda)  This is a hearing that we have been calling for since last year at this time, a hearing that is crucial to our own health and safety, the health and safety of every worker in our Industrial Park, and to the well being of everyone uprail of Benicia.  Please plan to attend.  Details below.

Planning Commission Public Hearing on Valero Crude by Rail Draft Environmental Impact Report
Thurs, July 10, 7pm, Council Chambers, City Hall.
IMPORTANT – plan to attend.  Let your voice be heard!
Click here for the agenda
Write to the City c/o Amy Million, Principal Planner, Community Development Department, City of Benicia, 250 East L Street, Benicia, CA 94510 (or by EMAIL to

For safe and healthy communities…