Trump administration to relax restrictions on methane, a powerful greenhouse gas

The oil and gas industry are split on the rollback The Washington Post, By Juliet Eilperin and Brady Dennis, Aug 29, 2019 The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that it plans to loosen federal rules on methane, a powerful greenhouse gas linked to climate change. The proposed rule would reverse standards enacted under President Barack … Continue reading Trump administration to relax restrictions on methane, a powerful greenhouse gas

Indivisible’s two year plan to beat Trump and save democracy

[Editor: Indivisible continues to do a great job – creatively and persistently resisting the Trump administration and building toward a more progressive future.  Find your local Indivisible group here.  My local group is Vallejo-Benicia Indivisible (on Facebook).  Contribute to Indivisible here.  Download the Indivisible 2.0 Guide.  More Benicia Independent coverage of Indivisible.  – R.S.] How … Continue reading Indivisible’s two year plan to beat Trump and save democracy

Major new survey on women’s equality in the Trump/Republican era

[Editor: the new Supermajority survey covered in this article is amazing – a must-read eye-opener.  My suggestion: read it first, then read the NY Times analysis below.  And for a more hard-hitting analysis, see The Guardian’s “New poll shows what really interests ‘pro-lifers’: controlling women” – R.S.] A Flash Point for Women in Politics The … Continue reading Major new survey on women’s equality in the Trump/Republican era

Orlando Sentinel snubs Trump campaign kickoff, announces 2020 endorsement: Not Trump

Orlando Sentinel announces 2020 endorsement: Not Trump By Quint Forgey,  Politico, 06/18/2019 10:16 AM EDT The principal newspaper in Orlando, Fla., where the president is set to kick off his reelection bid Tuesday, has already announced its 2020 White House endorsement: anyone but Donald Trump. “We’re here to announce our endorsement for president in 2020, … Continue reading Orlando Sentinel snubs Trump campaign kickoff, announces 2020 endorsement: Not Trump