Trump Order to Allow LNG by Rail Would Expand ‘Bomb Train’ Risks

Repost from DeSmog Deadly explosion in Durham, North Carolina on same day as Trump’s order By Justin Mikulka • Wednesday, April 17, 2019 – 15:13 On April 10, first responders in Durham, North Carolina, responded to a suspected natural gas leak. While they were evacuating people from the area, the gas exploded, killing one person and injuring at least 25. The … Continue reading Trump Order to Allow LNG by Rail Would Expand ‘Bomb Train’ Risks

Trump executive order clears way to ship liquified natural gas in bomb trains

Repost from [Editor: This article appears in with a completely misleading title.  The report is highly informative about the Trump administration’s stripping of regulatory oversight of the energy industry.  This news is alarming and should be taken seriously by environmentalists.  SIGNIFICANT QUOTE: “…there is still a wide margin for risk if a tank … Continue reading Trump executive order clears way to ship liquified natural gas in bomb trains

Adam Schiff delivers massive smackdown: Trump is “immoral,” “unpatriotic” and “corrupt”

Repost from Salon Under attack from Trump and the ludicrous Devin Nunes, Intelligence Committee chair focuses on the real question By HEATHER DIGBY PARTON, MARCH 29, 2019 12:00PM (UTC) President Trump held his first rally since mid-February on Thursday in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Sounding alternately buoyant and furious, he took a big victory lap and … Continue reading Adam Schiff delivers massive smackdown: Trump is “immoral,” “unpatriotic” and “corrupt”

Trump appoints another oil industry VIP, recording reveals industry execs celebrating their win

Repost from Politico [Editor: Significant quote: “The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a confirmation hearing Thursday, March 28.”  See and contact committee members here:  – RS] Recording Reveals Oil Industry Execs Laughing at Trump Access The tape of a private meeting was made shortly after the lawyer for an influential industry group … Continue reading Trump appoints another oil industry VIP, recording reveals industry execs celebrating their win