Category Archives: Benicia Unified School District

Benicia Schools publish Distance Learning Plan

Distance Learning Plan – Update 4-23-20

Apr 23, 2020 | Latest News, nCoV

Dear Benicia Community,

I hope this communication finds you well and managing the stay at home order as best as possible.  There are many unknowns as we move forward, in particular, what school will look like for all of us next year. We will keep everyone updated as we hear more from the Governor, the State Superintendent of schools, and the Health Department and how their guidance will affect our planning.

In the meantime, in our ongoing effort to provide clarity regarding our efforts with Distance Learning, I have attached the BUSD Distance Learning Plan, knowing it is not perfect, but does reflect our intentions, the good work to date and the Memorandum of Understanding with the teacher’s union.  I am very proud of where we are, knowing we were quick in our response to distance learning and that we continue to reflect, learn, and refine our processes as we go along.  Teachers and all staff care deeply for their students, are striving to support them in the new Distance Learning model, and are looking forward to seeing them again in the hopefully not too distant future.

Thank you so much for your patience and support!

Dr. Charles Young

Click here to read the BUSD District Distant Learning Plan >

Benicia schools – out for the duration

Benicia Unified School District – Distance learning, but no school, no sports, no performing arts, no prom, no graduation ceremonies…


Dear BUSD Community,

In alignment with the recent guidance from Governor Newsom, State Superintendent of Instruction Tony Thurman, and supported by the Solano County Health Department, the Benicia Unified School District will continue with the distance learning model we started on March 18, 2020, for the duration of this school year. Learning will continue but unfortunately, students and staff will not be returning to campuses during this school year.

We are living in unprecedented and anxious times. With that being said, we want to do everything we can as a school district to protect our students and staff as we fully participate in the effort, of which we are now enlisted, to help flatten the curve of COVID-19.  We are deeply appreciative, inspired, and strengthened by the impressive efforts of all staff members in our amazing school district. I want to thank our parent community for their continued support, generosity of spirit and understanding, knowing they are making sacrifices in their daily lives as they balance their many roles.

I also want to acknowledge our brilliant and talented student body.  As your superintendent, I’m so sorry to let you know we are closing schools for the remainder of the year. I know you miss your friends, teachers and staff members.  We miss you too! Teachers are doing their very best to stay in close contact with you and assure your learning and development continues. We care for you deeply.

As the remainder of the year progresses, we will undoubtedly need to work through challenges as they present themselves.  We are enthusiastic about our progress to date and confident our amazing teaching and support staff will continue to engage our students to support their ongoing learning and development.

We recognize that with school closure through the end of the school year many of our most special traditions and memorable events are affected.  Student athletics and performing arts will not be held for the remainder of the school year. We also understand this greatly affects our Seniors, the Class of 2020, who have been looking forward to events such as prom and graduation. Please know we are working on alternate plans for the senior activities as well as the transition events for our fifth and eighth graders and will get those details to you in the coming weeks.

We are providing Additional Resources for Home that you can choose to use with your students. Please know the activities on the additional resources document will not be assigned, collected, or graded by teachers, but are optional opportunities. We will continue to update this document as we gather more resources.

Our Food Service Department will continue to provide meals to students, at the same locations and designated times found here until the end of the school year, including Spring Break.

In closing, I sincerely hope all is well in your households.  Although this whole experience seems so surreal and trying, I have an overwhelming feeling we are going to get through this united as a society. For me, I know I will have, and already do, an even deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation for all of the many blessings in my life, including getting to serve and work with all of you.

Please be well and know we will continue to update you regularly.

Dr. Charles Young

Benicia Schools – everyone urged to “unplug and take a true break during April 6 – 10: Spring Break”

COVID-19 Update 3-27-20 – Distance Learning
March 27, 2020

Dear Benicia Families,

We are winding up our eighth day of Distance Learning and want to express our gratitude to all our families, students and staff for your flexibility, adaptability and patience.  Our staff has worked very hard to be forerunners in getting Distance Learning up and going for our students. We will continue to refine our instruction during our extended school closure through May 1, 2020.

As we continue to learn about and work in this new learning dimension, we are trying to use reasonableness as a barometer for what we are asking our students and families and staff to do. Throughout the closure, our goal is to reinforce and practice key State Content Standards and concepts taught to this point in our school year.  We have asked staff that any new content taught should be viewed through the lens of being critical and essential for students in their grade level, or subject area class. We are being mindful of the amount of content and time we are asking kids and families to work as many of you are juggling working from home, parenting, and now supporting your child’s learning.

To support our families and staff as we enter an extended Distance Learning timeframe we are:

  • Dedicating Wednesday, April 1 as a Professional Planning Day for teachers to determine the key concepts/standards and pacing that students must learn through the end of this year. Your children can continue to work on schoolwork, but teachers will not be available that day.
  • Strongly encouraging all families and staff to unplug and take a true break during April 6 – 10: Spring Break.
  • Dedicating Monday, April 13 as a Non-student day to provide an additional day of Professional Planning for teachers.
  • Resuming Distance Learning for students Tuesday, April 14.
  • Dedicating Each Friday after break (April 17, 24 & May 1) as Professional Planning Days for staff  to support planning and collaboration. Your children can continue to work on schoolwork, but teachers will not be available these days.

We greatly appreciate your partnership knowing this is a challenging time for our society.  I sincerely hope all is well in each and everyone of your households.

Dr. Charles Young


Benicia Schools – Food Service Update: new pick-up times and extended service to May 1st

Latest Food Service Update through May 1st

Date: March 27, 2020


Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),

This memo has been revised with the NEW PICK-UP TIMES AND EXTENDED SERVICE DATE listed below.  You are receiving this letter to inform you that during the school closures, the Food and Nutrition Services Department will be serving free student meals for all of our students.

Parents or students may drive or walk up to any of the locations listed below to pick-up breakfast and lunch for their students.  Each student will receive a lunch for the day and a breakfast for the next day. They will be put together in a grab-and-go bag for your convenience.

Student Meal Pick-Up Procedures:

New Extended Date: Monday March 30 through Friday May 1 (served Monday through Friday)


  • Robert Semple Elementary School
    • 2015 E 3rd St, Benicia, CA 94510
    • *Entrance of the Staff Parking Lot
    • Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Benicia High School
    • 1101 Military W, Benicia, CA 94510
    • *Turn into Plaza de Oro and keep right pass the gates until you see us
    • Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • 91 Riverview Terrance Complex
    • *Look for the Benicia USD Van
    • New Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, (starting March 30)

If you have previously signed up for these student meals, there is no need to reply to this email.

If you have not signed up for these student meals, please reply to this email: and let us know if your child(ren) will pick up a free student meal and which Pick-Up Location will be used. Please include the student name(s), so we can anticipate how many student meals to prepare.

Tania P. Courtney
Director of Nutrition & Food Services Department
Benicia Unified School District
1101 Military West, Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 748-2758

Fecha: 27 de marzo de 2020


Estimado padre (s) o tutor (es),

Este memo ha sido revisado con NUEVOS TIEMPOS DE RECOGIDA Y FECHA DE SERVICIO EXTENDIDO que se enumeran a continuación. Recibirá esta carta para informarle que durante el cierre de la escuela, el Departamento de Servicios de Alimentos y Nutrición estará sirviendo comidas gratis para todos nuestros estudiantes.

Los padres y los estudiantes pueden conducir o caminar hasta cualquiera de los lugares enumerados a continuación para recoger el desayuno y el almuerzo para sus estudiantes. Cada estudiante recibirá un almuerzo para el día y un desayuno para el día siguiente. Se colocarán en una bolsa para llevar para su conveniencia.

Procedimientos de recogida de comidas del estudiante:

Fechas: martes 30 de marzo a viernes 1 de mayo (servido de lunes a viernes)


  • Robert Semple Elementary School
    • 2015 E 3rd St, Benicia, CA 94510
    • Entrada del estacionamiento del personal
    • Hora: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Benicia High School
    • 1101 Military W, Benicia, CA 94510
    • Gire a la Plaza de Oro y manténgase a la derecha pasando las puertas hasta que nos vea
    • Hora: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • 91 Riverview Terrance Complex (a partir del 30 de marzo)
    • Busque la furgoneta Benicia USD
    • Hora: 11:30 AM-12: 30 PM

Si se ha inscrito previamente para estas comidas de estudiantes, no es necesario que responda a este correo electrónico. Si no se ha inscrito para estas comidas estudiantiles, responda a este correo electrónico: e infórmenos si su hijo (a) recogerá una comida estudiantil gratuita y qué lugar de recogida se utilizará. Incluya los nombres de los estudiantes para que podamos anticipar cuántas comidas de estudiantes preparar.

Tania P. Courtney
Director del Departamento de Nutrición y Servicios Alimenticios
Distrito escolar unificado de Benicia
1101 Military West, Benicia, CA 94510
Teléfono: (707) 748-2758
Correo electrónico:

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