By Elected Officials to Protect California (EOPC), June 5, 2019
[Scroll down for full page ad from today’s Sacramento Bee.]
“The era of reliance on dangerous and polluting fossil fuels must end, and California will lead the way.”
More than 225 elected officials from 41 counties representing more than 16 million Californians agree.
More than 225 elected officials from 41 counties representing more than 16 million Californians agree.
Governor Newsom,
Please join us in protecting our climate, communities, and health. We call on you to:
- Place a moratorium on new oil and gas well permits and other new fossil fuel projects.
- Develop a plan to phase-out all fossil fuel production and immediately halt drilling within 2,500 feet of homes, schools, hospitals, playgrounds, and farms.
- Invest in a Just Transition to 100% clean, renewable energy to support communities, families, and workers.
…signed by over 225 California elected officials …

Paid for by Elected Officials to Protect California
Learn more and view the full letter at
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