Vallejo Times-Herald Editor trashes Trump & commends Kamala

[BenIndy comment: Wow! Times-Herald editor Jack Bungart doesn’t hold back. A good read, funny, snarky, true. And on the front page!] Kamala and the Great Comeuppance Vallejo Times-Herald, By Jack Bungart Sept 14, 2024 And so it came to this. Nine years after escorting his Pre-Nup Lottery winner down that escalator and into our collective … Continue reading Vallejo Times-Herald Editor trashes Trump & commends Kamala

Benicia in national news regarding Kamala Harris’ role in opposing Valero crude by rail

[Note from BenIndy contributor Roger Straw: I was contacted by award-winning E&E Politico reporter Sean Reilly on August 12. Sean wanted to know about the two letters sent by then CA Attorney General Kamala Harris during Benicia’s long and controversial consideration of Valero Benicia Refinery’s “Crude by Rail” proposal. Sean’s excellent article appears below. Note … Continue reading Benicia in national news regarding Kamala Harris’ role in opposing Valero crude by rail

Stephen Golub: Fly Me to the Moon (A Hopeful Film Resonates as Kamala’s Campaign Takes Off)

[Note from BenIndy: This post was first published on Stephen Golub’s blog, A Promised Land: America as a Developing Country. There, Steve blogs about domestic and international politics and policy, including lessons that the United States can learn from other nations. If interested, you may sign up for future posts by subscribing to the blog.] In … Continue reading Stephen Golub: Fly Me to the Moon (A Hopeful Film Resonates as Kamala’s Campaign Takes Off)

Benicia Author Stephen Golub on Kamala’s Prospects: The Good, the Bad and the Maybe

[Note from BenIndy: This post was first published on Stephen Golub’s blog, A Promised Land: America as a Developing Country. There, Steve blogs about domestic and international politics and policy, including lessons that the United States can learn from other nations. If interested, you may sign up for future posts by subscribing to the blog.] Summing … Continue reading Benicia Author Stephen Golub on Kamala’s Prospects: The Good, the Bad and the Maybe