[Editor: see links below for docs & information about Climate Strike 2020 and Benicia’s proposed Climate Emergency Declaration. Also see Benicia’s nearest Climate Strike next Saturday Sept 20: Walnut Creek. (Note that Friday 9/13, was the final day of CA legislative session.) – R.S.]

On September 10, members of Progressive Democrats of Benicia heard from a powerful and highly informative featured speaker, Kathy Dervin, Co-Chair of 350 Bay Area Legislative Committee and a consulting professional with a Master of Public Health (MPH) focused in Health Education/Environmental Health.
Kathy presented a compelling overview of pending legislation relating to Climate Change (see bold text below). She also covered
- the Sept. 20 Climate Strike and 350 Bay Area’s work through Youth vs Apocalypse, the youth‐led environmental justice program
- and Climate Emergency Resolutions that various governments are now passing, which Benicia may soon consider. (See map of Bay Area cities that have passed a Climate Emergency Declaration!)
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