Press Release, Solano County
March 17, 2020
News Contacts:
Matthew A. Davis, Sr. Management Analyst and Public Communications Officer, (707) 784-6111, MADavis@solanocounty.com (AND)
Jayleen Richards, Public Health Administrator, Health and Social Services Department, (707) 784-8616, JMRichards@solanocounty.com
Solano County Public Health emphasizes the Governor’s measures to promote social distancing and self-isolation to stem the spread of COVID-19 virus
SOLANO COUNTY – Solano County Public Health Officials support California Governor Newsom’s orders regarding social distancing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community and are encouraging Solano County residents to review and implement these best practices.
Solano Public Health officials are encouraging vulnerable populations – older adults age 65 and older, individuals with compromised immune systems and individuals with serious chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease – to practice social distancing and stay at home, except for essential needs, including to get food, care for a relative or friend, get necessary health care or go to an essential job. Solano Public Health is also advising these individuals to avoid group activities, making unnecessary trips and spending time in public areas (restaurants, gyms, entertainment venues, social gatherings, etc.).
“We are in full support of the Governor’s measures to promote social distancing and are reiterating this message to residents in Solano County,” says County Public Health Officer Bela Matyas, M.D., M.P.H. “When people implement these best practices, it helps our health care providers with respect to staffing and capacity necessary to provide care to those who need it the most in our community.”
Multiple Bay Area Counties have announced their own orders that reiterate Governor Newsom’s orders for social distancing, as there has been sustained community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the San Francisco Bay Area. Solano Public Health is monitoring the situation in the Bay Area closely and is in contact with neighboring health departments, local hospitals and the state.
Solano Public Health is advising residents to follow these social distancing measures:
– Close bars, nightclubs, wineries, gyms and movie theaters
– Close restaurants, except for takeout service
– Maintain distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and others
– Postpone or cancel gatherings, meetings and community events where large numbers of people are within 6 feet off each other
In addition to social distancing, Solano Public Health encourages everyone to follow these simple daily routines to help stem the spread of respiratory disease in our community:
– Wash hands with soap and water, and rubbing for at least 20 seconds
– Cough or sneeze into a tissue, sleeve or arm (not your hands)
– Avoid close contact with people who are sick
– Stay home when you are sick
– Avoid touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose and mouth
– Perform routine surface cleaning, particularly for items which are frequently touched such as doorknobs, handles, remotes, keyboards and other commonly shared surfaces
– Get a flu shot to protect against the flu, which has similar symptoms to COVID-19
– If you feel ill, contact your health provider for advice and treatment options
For more information, visit these state and local resources on Coronavirus (COVID-19):
– Office of the Governor, Gavin Newsom, click here
– Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, click here
– California Employment and Development Department, click here
– California Labor Workforce and Development Agency, click here
– Solano County Small Business Development Center, click here
– Solano County Health and Social Services, Public Health website, click here
– Solano County Public Health Facebook Page, @SolanoCountyPH, click here
The public can review Governor Newsom’s directive to fight COVID-19 by clicking here.
State of California – Department of Public Health

Guidance Documents: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
A list of various guidance documents can be found below:
- Gathering Guidance (PDF)
Health care plans
- Home cleaning with COVID-19 positive individuals (PDF)
- Homeless Assistance Providers (PDF)
- Immigrant Communities
- Individuals with Access and Functional Needs (PDF)
- Laboratories (PDF)
- Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans: COVID – 19 Screening and Testing (PDF)
- Schools and institutions of higher education
- New COVID-19 Guidance for K-12 Schools: Distance Learning, School Meals, Child Care and Student Supervision (March 17, 2020)
- Guidance for schools (PDF)
- Directrices para las escuelas sobre el nuevo coronavirus o COVID-19 (PDF)
- Guidance for colleges and universities (PDF)
- Directrices para las instituciones de educación superior sobre el nuevo coronavirus o COVID-19 (PDF)
- Self-Isolation for Older Adults and Those Who Have Elevated Risk (PDF)
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