Strong support for more Fed funding for public services also noted

WASHINGTON – Congressman Mike Thompson (CA-05) has released the results of a coronavirus relief survey that polled constituents about their experience during the coronavirus pandemic.
The survey was conducted from May 1 through May 8 and results include answers from 4,605 respondents. The survey was emailed out to constituents via Thompson’s mail records list as well as circulated via press reports and Thompson’s social media accounts. Respondents were chosen by self-selection.
Among other things, results suggest a majority of Thompson’s constituency is in support of “cautiously” reopening the economy to prioritize public health, while a significant minority is in support of opening up more quickly to benefit businesses.
“Despite social distancing guidelines that keep us apart, I want to ensure I am doing everything I can to connect with people in our community and ensure their needs are met during this crisis,” said Thompson in a statement. “That’s why I launched my Coronavirus Relief Survey and why I am glad to have input from more than 4,000 people in our district. The results are clear—people want more support from the Federal government. Nearly everyone polled supports expanding the programs started in the CARES Act, such as the Paycheck Protection Program and the expanded unemployment insurance program. The vast majority also favor a cautious approach to opening up our community to ensure the health and safety of our neighbors and friends. Know that these results will inform my continued work to bring Federal relief back to our district.”
Full results of Thompson’s Coronavirus Relief Survey are as follows:
Have you been hurt financially by the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Yes, somewhat: 43.8%
- No, not at all: 30.2%
- Yes, very much: 26%
Have you received a stimulus payment?
- Yes: 42.3%
- No, but I’m expecting a payment: 30.5%
- No, I’m not eligible: 21%
- No, the IRS website is unable to find my information: 6.3%
If yes, have you experienced any issues receiving the amount for which you are eligible? If you answered no to the previous question, skip this question.
- No: 76.5%
- Not sure:14.9%
- Yes: 8.7%
Which CARES Act programs (if any) have helped you or your family?
- Stimulus payment: 35.1%
- None: 33.8%
- Expanded unemployment insurance: 10.7%
- Small business assistance (PPP, EIDL, etc.): 7.1%
- Student loan relief: 4.7%
- Not sure: 3.9%
- Mortgage forbearance: 3.2%
- Other: 1.7%
Which CARES Act programs (if any) do you think should be extended or increased?
- Small business assistance (PPP, EIDL, etc.): 22%
- Expanded unemployment insurance: 21%
- Stimulus payment: 16.8%
- Student loan relief: 15.6%
- Mortgage forbearance: 15.6%
- Not sure: 3.3%
- Other: 3%
- None: 2.6%
Are you waiting to hear back on any CARES Act relief you have applied for?
- No: 65.9%
- Yes, waiting for information or a check from the IRS: 15.1%
- Yes, waiting for information on unemployment benefits: 10.4%
- Yes, waiting to hear back on a small business loan: 8.6%
How would you like to see the “re-opening” of our communities play out?
- More cautiously to prioritize protecting public health: 69.3%
- More quickly to prioritize getting people back to work: 23.9%
- Not sure: 3.8%
- Other: 3%
Do you think Congress should provide more funds to help schools, hospitals, paramedics, police departments, and other services in future coronavirus legislation?
- Yes: 74.8%
- Not sure: 12.9%
- No: 12.2%