NorthBay Medical Center giving vaccine to primary patients over 65

UPDATE: This is me TODAY! YAY!!!! [January 26, 2021]
I switched to a primary care physician at NorthBay Medical Center last week, and received the invitation email today. Signing up was easy, online, and I’m going in tomorrow for the Pfizer vaccine!
I’m so relieved and happy!
My spouse got the vaccine last week. Her primary care doctor is in NorthBay, and both of us have seen multiple specialists there. But my primary care doctor was with Sutter, who offered no good advice on how to get the vaccine. Sooo… On my own I discovered that Sutter is only offering vaccine to those over 75 – and last Tuesday I arranged to become a new patient with my spouse’s primary care doc at NorthBay. And already today I got the email invite.
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