Benicia’s crude-by-rail environmental impact report delayed

Repost from the Vallejo Times-Herald  Benicia’s crude-by-rail environmental impact report delayed By Times-Herald staff report, Posted: 05/21/15, 7:21 PM PDT Benicia >> City officials announced Thursday a delay in the release of the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report on the Valero Benicia Refinery’s proposed crude-by-rail project. The report, which was anticipated to be released June … Continue reading Benicia’s crude-by-rail environmental impact report delayed

Day After the NEXT BIG ONE – Take Action!

Below you will find a Plan for the Day After and a report on the Rally in Benicia on the day after the explosion in Heimdal, ND. From Benicians For a Safe Community: PLAN FOR THE DAY AFTER THE NEXT BIG ONE … This is simple everyone….  On the very next day after news of yet another … Continue reading Day After the NEXT BIG ONE – Take Action!

North Dakota train explosion incites Benicia protest

Repost from the Vallejo Times-Herald [Editor: Many thanks to the Vallejo Times-Herald for covering the Benicia Rally.  There were actually 21 of us there.  We chanted “Leave the oil … in the soil!”  Passing motorists waved, honked and gave us thumbs-up.  A few pedestrians stopped to talk.   – RS] North Dakota train explosion incites Benicia … Continue reading North Dakota train explosion incites Benicia protest

OIL TRAIN EXPLOSION RESPONSE – Rally for Benicia Awareness and Action! Thursday 5/7, 11:45am, City Park

Repost from Benicians For a Safe and Healthy Community (BSHC), Benicia, California THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2015, 11:45 a.m. Oil Train Derails, Explodes in North Dakota – Rally for Benicia Awareness and Action! CITY PARK, FIRST & MILITARY, BENICIA, 11:45 a.m. Everyone said it would happen again soon. Well, Wednesday, May 6 was “The Next BIG ONE” … … Continue reading OIL TRAIN EXPLOSION RESPONSE – Rally for Benicia Awareness and Action! Thursday 5/7, 11:45am, City Park