NPR: First Responders Unprepared For Another Train Disaster

Repost from National Public Radio [Editor: I remember with horror the breaking news last July of the catastrophic derailment and explosion in Lac-Mégantic.  Here in Benicia, we were preparing for a public forum to help residents understand the environmental impacts associated with our Valero Refinery’s bid to begin shipping crude oil by rail.  Lac-Mégantic was … Continue reading NPR: First Responders Unprepared For Another Train Disaster

Need for better coverage of BSHC in local press

[Editor: I sent the following letter to the Editor of the Benicia Herald.  It was published in the July 6 print edition.    A similar letter was sent to the Vallejo Times-Herald, but has yet to appear there.  – RS] Why no coverage of BSHC event? July 2, 2014, Benicia Herald Forum, p. A4 In response to … Continue reading Need for better coverage of BSHC in local press

About Crude By Rail

CRUDE OIL BY RAIL – YES OR NO? This 2013-16 edition of The Benicia Independent asks questions and explores answers related to Valero Benicia’s proposed crude-by-rail project.   Please study and be prepared to speak out – proposed changes are significant, and may affect us all. BACKGROUND – CLICK HERE ~ Roger Straw, editor & publisher.


For much more, see our LINKS page. For Valero’s proposal and environmental reports, see our PROJECT DOCUMENTS page. For highly critical studies and public comments on the project, see our PROJECT REVIEW pages. The following materials were distributed at the 6/28/14 Workshop on How to Read and Comment on Valero’s DEIR, sponsored by Benicians For a Safe … Continue reading Resources