Berkeley City Council – No Crude By Rail – Sierra Club support

Repost from KPIX5 CBS San Francisco Berkeley City Council Votes To Oppose Crude By Rail Plan March 26, 2014 8:19 AM A KPIX 5 crew captured this video of Bakken crude oil getting unloaded from a train at a rail yard in Richmond. (CBS) BERKELEY (CBS SF) — The Berkeley City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night … Continue reading Berkeley City Council – No Crude By Rail – Sierra Club support

East Bay Express: Richmond and Berkeley oppose oil by rail

Repost from East Bay Express Richmond and Berkeley Oppose Fracked Oil and Tar Sands Rail Shipments Jean Tepperman —  Wed, Mar 26, 2014 The city councils of both Berkeley and Richmond unanimously passed resolutions last night calling for tighter regulation of the shipping of crude oil by rail through the East Bay. The Berkeley resolution … Continue reading East Bay Express: Richmond and Berkeley oppose oil by rail

Important issues affecting Benicia to be heard tonight in Berkeley, Richmond

Repost from The Contra Costa Times [Editor’s note: Please understand the significance here, involving the Union Pacific rail line THROUGH BENICIA and across the BENICIA BRIDGE.  Of course, this is also of great importance to our friends uprail in Sacramento, Davis, etc., and across the Carquinez Strait in Martinez, Crockett, and Rodeo and downrail through … Continue reading Important issues affecting Benicia to be heard tonight in Berkeley, Richmond

NBC report: If Keystone Pipeline is not built: more oil by rail

Repost from NBC News What Happens if the Keystone XL Pipeline Isn’t Built? By Lisa Riordan Seville March 24th 2014, 1:14 am After five years, it appears the Obama administration will soon issue a decision on whether to build the long-delayed and controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would cross an environmentally sensitive area of … Continue reading NBC report: If Keystone Pipeline is not built: more oil by rail