Animation of potential blast zone: crude oil unit train arriving in Benicia, California

Repost from YouTube This 1-minute video superimposes a 1-mile blast zone over the tracks in Benicia’s Industrial Park.  Of particular interest near the end of the video is the MOVING blast zone, which shows how the proposed 4000-foot 50-car “bomb trains” would roll right past Valero and progress almost to the Benicia Bridge before coming … Continue reading Animation of potential blast zone: crude oil unit train arriving in Benicia, California

Open Letter: Davis Mayor Pro Tem Dan Wolk to Benicia Mayor Elizabeth Patterson

Repost from The Peoples’ Vanguard, of Davis, CA Open Letter from Dan Wolk on Crude Oil Transport February 16, 2014 Editor’s note: The following letter was submitted to the Vanguard by Mayor Pro Tem Dan Wolk. He wanted to be clear he was writing the letter as an individual Councilmember, and not speaking on behalf of … Continue reading Open Letter: Davis Mayor Pro Tem Dan Wolk to Benicia Mayor Elizabeth Patterson

Urgent concerns of our “uprail” friends & neighbors in Davis, CA

Repost from The Peoples’ Vanguard, of Davis, CA Transport of Crude-by-Rail Puts Davis at Risk February 3, 2014 By Lynne Nittler, Milton Kalish, and Matt Biers-Ariel Background:  North Dakota Bakken crude oil production is booming, and oil companies are looking for a fast, convenient way to transport their sweet light crude oil to refineries across the … Continue reading Urgent concerns of our “uprail” friends & neighbors in Davis, CA