Susannah Delano: Recruiting a Legislature that looks like California (finally)

For the first time, a majority of our legislators are women, people of color or LGBTQ+ The Mercury News, by Susannah Delano, December 16, 2022 Successful groups know that recruiting great talent is essential. College teams invest in scouting to find the kid who could be tomorrow’s star center. Major corporations recruit year-round to hit … Continue reading Susannah Delano: Recruiting a Legislature that looks like California (finally)

Seenos, Grayson, Concord Police join with Christian Nationalist PAC to support Concord Council candidate

[Editor: PLEASE NOTE CORRECTION – On Sep 25, I received an email from Lisa Tucker of the Tim McGallian for Concord City Council Campaign. According to Tucker, “Concord Council Member Tim McGallian has not endorsed Robert Ring for city council. In fact, Mr. McGallian has endorsed his colleague, Council Member Laura Hoffmeister.” Other claims in … Continue reading Seenos, Grayson, Concord Police join with Christian Nationalist PAC to support Concord Council candidate

‘Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party’

THE LINCOLN PROJECT STATEMENT ON LIZ CHENEY’S PRIMARY LOSS The Lincoln Project, August 16, 2022 The Lincoln Project releases the following statement on the primary loss of Liz Cheney: “Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party. What remains shares the name and branding of the traditional GOP, but is in fact an … Continue reading ‘Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party’

Grim news makes people feel ‘powerless.’ Here’s how to change that

Roger’s two takeaways… News providers need to tell the stories in context, giving the public ways to respond constructively.  (VOX News has been on this subject – see the video above, and for more, see below.) Incredible: 42% of people under 35 years old “sometimes or often actively avoid the news” (Reuters Digital News Report).  … Continue reading Grim news makes people feel ‘powerless.’ Here’s how to change that