2014 – Public comments DEIR

PUBLIC COMMENTS ON VALERO CRUDE BY RAIL – 2014 Documents are listed most recent at top. DRAFT EIR Public Comments October 17-December 15, 2014  (A single comment letter, from the Center for Biological Diversity, Communities for a Better Environment, and Natural Resources Defense Council.) (IMPORTANT NOTE: the link above goes to a huge 584-page document on the City’s … Continue reading 2014 – Public comments DEIR

VALLEJO TIMES-HERALD: Benicia commissioners deny Valero’s crude by rail application

Repost from the Vallejo Times-Herald [Editor:  Vallejo Times-Herald reporter Irma Widjojo gets BenIndy’s Media Award for enduring all four late-night hearings, and for her four news reports.  See FRIDAY’s final report below and TUESDAY: Benicia Planning Commission begins hearing to decide on crude-by-rail project, WEDNESDAY: Public comment begins on Valero Benicia Refinery’s proposed project, and THURSDAY: Passionate testimonies pour in on … Continue reading VALLEJO TIMES-HERALD: Benicia commissioners deny Valero’s crude by rail application

BAAQMD: Important comments on Final EIR, Valero Crude By Rail

By Roger Straw, February 9, 2016 The Benicia Independent is in receipt of a very important letter sent to the City of Benicia Planning Commission on February 8, 2016 by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). Commissioner Steve Young read from the letter at Monday’s Planning Commission meeting. City staff posted this important letter online yesterday, … Continue reading BAAQMD: Important comments on Final EIR, Valero Crude By Rail

Reuters Exclusive: California getting more Bakken crude by barge than rail

Repost from Reuters [Editor:  At the 9/11/14 Benicia Planning Commission meeting, John Hill, vice president and general manager of the Valero Benicia Refinery, stated that Bakken crude has been refined at Valero.  Commissioner Steve Young asked Hill to confirm his statement, which he did.  Young then asked the means of transport, and Hill replied “by … Continue reading Reuters Exclusive: California getting more Bakken crude by barge than rail