“2020 We are Indivisible” – Grassroots / Candidates’ pledge

By Roger Straw, April 27, 2019 Today I signed the Indivisible “2020 We are Indivisible Pledge.” (You can sign here: pledge.indivisible.org.) We must defeat Donald Trump. The first step is a primary contest that produces a strong Democratic nominee. The second step is winning the general election. We will not accept anything less. To ensure … Continue reading “2020 We are Indivisible” – Grassroots / Candidates’ pledge

Derailment explosion – 3rd accident in North America involving upgraded DOT-117R tank cars

Repost from DeSmog Ethanol Train Derails and Burns in Texas, Killing Horses and Spurring Evacuation By Justin Mikulka, April 25, 2019 Early in the morning on April 24, an ethanol train derailed, exploded, and burned near Fort Worth, Texas, reportedly destroying a horse stable, killing three horses, and causing the evacuation of nearby homes. According to … Continue reading Derailment explosion – 3rd accident in North America involving upgraded DOT-117R tank cars

Video: Rachel Maddow, Senator Elizabeth Warren on impeachment

Repost from MSNBC Youtube – Rachel Maddow [Editor: See this powerful 8-minute video.  Warren is spot on: “We’re not an America that can be politics all the time. There come moments that are serious enough that we have to stop, take a deep breath, and be willing to say, that’s wrong.” Also below, watch Maddow … Continue reading Video: Rachel Maddow, Senator Elizabeth Warren on impeachment

‘Are You Serious?’ John Kerry Interrupts GOP Climate Denial Logic in Disbelief

Repost from DESMOG By Justin Mikulka • Wednesday, April 10, 2019 – 13:27 Congressional discussions over climate change have reached such a low point that during this week’s House hearing on the national security risks of climate change, former Secretary of State John Kerry, who was testifying, broke down and just asked his Republican questioner, “Are you serious?” Kerry’s incredulous question was in … Continue reading ‘Are You Serious?’ John Kerry Interrupts GOP Climate Denial Logic in Disbelief