SF Chron Perspective: Facing the coming flood with a sense of optimism

Repost from the San Francisco Chronicle Facing the coming flood with sense of optimism By Caille Millner, Oct. 19, 2018 2:12 p.m. After I read the United Nations’ new apocalyptic climate change report, I looked to see when my house was going to be underwater. For this grim task, I set out to model different possibilities with … Continue reading SF Chron Perspective: Facing the coming flood with a sense of optimism

Senators question railroads on oil train braking systems

Repost from Transportation Today [Editor: I challenge Senators Feinstein and Harris (and Attorney General Becerra) to follow the lead of Senators Wyden and Merkley.  These “positive train control” braking systems, or “electronically controlled pneumatic” (ECP) braking systems – were supposed to be in place nationwide long ago, but every time a deadline approached, the railroad … Continue reading Senators question railroads on oil train braking systems

NY Times summary: Landmark U.N. Climate Report: by 2040, inundated coastlines, intensified droughts & poverty

Repost from The New York Times Major Climate Report Describes a Strong Risk of Crisis as Early as 2040 By Coral Davenport, Oct. 7, 2018 INCHEON, South Korea — A landmark report from the United Nations’ scientific panel on climate change paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously … Continue reading NY Times summary: Landmark U.N. Climate Report: by 2040, inundated coastlines, intensified droughts & poverty