Robert Reich: We must unite to fight back against our country’s bullies

Repost from the San Francisco Chronicle We must unite to fight back against our country’s bullies By Robert Reich, October 7, 2018 As a kid, I was always a head shorter than other boys, which meant I was bullied — mocked, threatened, sometimes assaulted. Childhood bullying has been going on forever. But America has become … Continue reading Robert Reich: We must unite to fight back against our country’s bullies

Alarm bells in Benicia and beyond… what next?

The Tenor of our Times If you are on the Benicia Independent email list, I can pretty much be sure that your alarm bells – like mine – are going off.  A sampling… Christine Blasey Ford and others accuse Judge Kavanaugh – the #MeToo movement and an FBI investigation A “push poll” with Benicia election … Continue reading Alarm bells in Benicia and beyond… what next?

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on the environment

Repost from DeSmog Blog How Supreme Court Pick Brett Kavanaugh Could Return US Policy to the Era of Robber Barons By Sharon Kelly • Wednesday, September 5, 2018 – 11:39 As Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination hearings get under way, understanding his appointment’s potential impacts for corporate regulation and the climate means looking back all the … Continue reading Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on the environment

Barack Obama address gives me reason to hope

Repost from NowThis News on Youtube [Editor: You really SHOULD listen to Obama himself (below), but for a good overview of his speech, see Vox: Barack Obama’s crucial insight into the crisis of American democracy.  – RS] Former President Obama Remarks in Urbana, Illinois September 7, 2018 President Barack Obama spoke about the political climate in remarks … Continue reading Barack Obama address gives me reason to hope