GOP Tax Law Bails Out Fracking Companies Buried in Debt

Repost from DeSmogBlog [Editor: See also the Pacific Standard report, Inside The Tax Bill’s $25 Billion Oil Company Bonanza.  – RS] GOP Tax Law Bails Out Fracking Companies Buried in Debt By Justin Mikulka • Thursday, April 26, 2018 – 08:44 EOG Resources is one of the top companies in the fracking industry, and thanks to the new tax bill passed by … Continue reading GOP Tax Law Bails Out Fracking Companies Buried in Debt


Repost from Pacific Standard [Editor: Valero Energy’s windfall of DIRECT ONE-TIME 2017 TAX SAVINGS from the Trump tax law was $1.9 BILLION, according to Valero’s 4th quarter 2017 SEC filing .  See chart below. See also Valero’s Feb 2018 press release and Valero’s detailed SEC 2017 Year End Fiscal Report.  – RS] A Pacific Standard analysis shows … Continue reading INSIDE THE TAX BILL’S $25 BILLION OIL COMPANY BONANZA

Why California gets to write its own auto emissions standards: 5 questions answered

Repost from – BerkeleyLaw / UCLA LAW Why California gets to write its own auto emissions standards: 5 questions answered Authored by Nicholas Bryner and Meredith Hankins, Posted on April 6, 2018 10:02 am by Nick Bryner This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Legal Planet editor’s note: On April … Continue reading Why California gets to write its own auto emissions standards: 5 questions answered

Rachel Maddow: Carl Icahn is the common thread in Pruitt ethics, policy scandals

Repost from MSNBC Rachel Maddow Show [Editor: If nothing else brings Scott Pruitt tumbling down, Rachel Maddow’s deep analysis and damning report should do the trick!  – RS] Rachel Maddow looks at the relationship between Donald Trump adviser Carl Icahn and EPA chief Scott Pruitt and how Icahn’s business interests intertwine with Pruitt’s ethics scandals … Continue reading Rachel Maddow: Carl Icahn is the common thread in Pruitt ethics, policy scandals