Welfare Kings? Study Finds Half of New Oil Production Unprofitable Without Government Handouts

Repost from DeSmogBlog Welfare Kings? Study Finds Half of New Oil Production Unprofitable Without Government Handouts By Justin Mikulka • Tuesday, October 3, 2017 – 13:03 A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Energy found that 50 percent of new oil production in America would be unprofitable if not for government subsidies. The study, performed by researchers at the … Continue reading Welfare Kings? Study Finds Half of New Oil Production Unprofitable Without Government Handouts

Zoning Out Fossil Fuels: Local Action for A Better Future

Repost from STAND.earth  (See far below for webcast) #ClimateIsLocal September 22, 2017 By Matt Krogh, Extreme Oil Campaign Director, Stand.earth Every environmental attack by the Trump Administration further emphasizes the importance of taking local action on climate. Climate inaction at the federal level isn’t new–and neither is real success on climate action at the local level.   … Continue reading Zoning Out Fossil Fuels: Local Action for A Better Future

Highly recommended newsletter: DeSmogBlog

[Editor: I subscribe to a newsletter that I highly recommend, DESMOG. Below is information about DeSmogBlog, followed by a sampler showing contents of their most recent newsletter.  Subscribe here. – RS]   DESMOG – CLEARING THE PR POLLUTION THAT CLOUDS CLIMATE SCIENCE ABOUT… The DeSmogBlog Project began in January 2006 and quickly became the world’s number one … Continue reading Highly recommended newsletter: DeSmogBlog