San Francisco Chronicle: Alarming climate reports

The SF Chronicle has published several reports in the last two days on the reality of severe climate change.   See below.  I’ve added direct links to the government reports.  – RS Federal climate report finds ‘extreme’ conditions, despite Trump’s cold shoulder August 10, 2017 | Kurtis Alexander While the study, recognized as the U.S. government’s most comprehensive look at climate, … Continue reading San Francisco Chronicle: Alarming climate reports

Study: White House’s top success is in limiting research, environmental protections

Repost from the San Francisco Chronicle [Editor: This analysis confirms my worst impressions of Trump’s first 100 days. Much has been made of the ineffectiveness of his many posturing executive orders.  But he and his cronies are making real inroads against clean air and on behalf of the fossil fuel industry. This is important!  – RS] … Continue reading Study: White House’s top success is in limiting research, environmental protections

50 Programs Scrapped at the Environmental Protection Agency

Repost from the San Francisco Chronicle  (This article is a feature of an important SF Chron investigative piece: “Trump Gains, Science Loses.”) 50 PROGRAMS SCRAPPED AT THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY President Trump proposes a $54 billion increase in military spending, offset by slashing domestic programs. The Environmental Protection Agency would take the biggest hit, a 31 percent cut … Continue reading 50 Programs Scrapped at the Environmental Protection Agency

58 Republican Bills Introduced on Environment

Repost from the San Francisco Chronicle  (This article is a feature of an important SF Chron investigative piece: “Trump Gains, Science Loses.”) 58 REPUBLICAN BILLS INTRODUCED ON THE ENVIRONMENT Here are a few of them: HONEST Act: (Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas) Would effectively limit the Environmental Protection Agency’s use of science to study everything from climate change to environmental … Continue reading 58 Republican Bills Introduced on Environment