18 Proposed Environmental Rule Eliminations through the Congressional Review Act

Repost from the San Francisco Chronicle  (This article is a feature of an important SF Chron investigative piece: “Trump Gains, Science Loses.”) 18 PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL RULE ELIMINATIONS THROUGH THE CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW ACT The Congressional Review Act, created in 1996 to allow Congress to eliminate rules with a simple majority vote, had been used just once before this year. … Continue reading 18 Proposed Environmental Rule Eliminations through the Congressional Review Act

Tar Sands/Oil Sands Carbon Footprint Underestimated by Nearly 25%

Repost from The Energy Mix Tar Sands/Oil Sands Carbon Footprint Underestimated by Nearly 25% Inside Climate News, by Lisa Song, April 4, 2017 In a finding that should resonate strongly for Canadian decision-makers charged with meeting the country’s climate targets, new research reveals that the carbon footprint of a litre of synthetic crude extracted from tar … Continue reading Tar Sands/Oil Sands Carbon Footprint Underestimated by Nearly 25%


Next Monday! – BENICIA STANDING STRONG – VIGIL ON THE SPRING EQUINOX Monday, March 20, 6 p.m. First & Military We continue on the 20th of each month to stand strong, watching over the Trump administration’s disastrous agenda. AND…it’s important to remain focused on local & regional issues. TOGETHER, we are strong. March 20th falls this … Continue reading BENICIA STANDING STRONG: VIGIL ON THE SPRING EQUINOX

PERSONAL INVITATION: Inauguration Day Vigil

PLEASE JOIN ME ON INAUGURATION DAY: Stay vigilant, speak out! Friends – Watching President Obama’s farewell speech with family and friends, we were so moved. We agreed that we should gather locally as citizen activists to mark the day of the inauguration with a commitment to keep vigilant about our constitution and democratic values. We need … Continue reading PERSONAL INVITATION: Inauguration Day Vigil