INAUGURATION VIGIL IN BENICIA: Friday, January 20, 9 AM, First & Military

INAUGURATION VIGIL IN BENICIA Friday, January 20, 9 AM, First & Military On Friday, January 20, Donald Trump will take the oath of office. He will pledge as President to “preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States of America.” At 9 a.m. on Friday, January 20 (as the new president takes the oath of … Continue reading INAUGURATION VIGIL IN BENICIA: Friday, January 20, 9 AM, First & Military

Benicia election results – Nov 9, 2016, 7AM

By Roger Straw Click here for updated LATEST Benicia Election Results as of Nov. 16. (Numbers shown below are as first reported on election night.) By Roger Straw, November 9, 2016 BELOW IN ORANGE ARE FROM THE SOLANO COUNTY REGISTRAR OF VOTERS, POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, 11/9 AT 5:38PM (The new numbers include late arriving vote-by-mail ballots. An estimated 21000 additional County … Continue reading Benicia election results – Nov 9, 2016, 7AM

ROGER STRAW – Election recommendations

Benicia Independent Endorsements By Roger Straw, November 4, 2016 As I prepare to head to the polls on Tuesday, my decisions have finally been made. Not all were difficult to make: it’s of historic importance that we NOT elect Donald Trump. I will be voting for our first woman president, Democrat Hillary Clinton. My vote for … Continue reading ROGER STRAW – Election recommendations

LETTER SERIES: Pat Toth-Smith – Vote for the Environment (Sierra Club endorsements)

[Editor: Benicians are expressing themselves in letters to the editor of our local print newspaper, the Benicia Herald. But the Herald doesn’t publish letters in its online editions – and many Benician’s don’t subscribe. We are posting certain letters here for wider distribution. – RS] A Vote for the Environment, Sierra Club endorses Elizabeth Patterson … Continue reading LETTER SERIES: Pat Toth-Smith – Vote for the Environment (Sierra Club endorsements)