Solano County reported 26 new infections and no new deaths today. Vaccinate! Stay safe when indoors or in crowds, and remember…
People with mild COVID can have long-term health problems. And: “More than 70% of COVID-19 patients studied report having at least one “long haul” symptom that lasts for months.” It’s not over yet!
Solano County COVID report on Thursday, June 10.
[Source: see far below. See also my ARCHIVE spreadsheet of daily Solano COVID updates.]Solano County COVID-19 Dashboard – SUMMARY:
Solano County reported 26 new COVID cases today, and no new deaths. Monthly: Solano County saw 1,288 new cases in April, an average of 43 per day. In May, Solano reported 920 new cases, an average of 30 per day. Our case rate is increasing over the last 3 days: Tuesday plus 7 new cases, Wednesday plus 15, and today plus 26, nearly back to our May average of 30 per day.
Solano County reported no new deaths today. The County total is 244 deaths since the pandemic began.
Solano’s Active cases are now at 60, down from yesterday’s 69. Our percent positivity rate remained even today at 5.5%.
SOLANO NOW IN ORANGE TIER – Solano County was finally moved into the orange tier last week, the last Bay Area County to leave the red tier. See details on remaining restrictions and new freedoms in the County’s press release, also in the account of the Vallejo Times-Herald.
JUNE 15 RE-OPENING – Solano County Public Health posted 2 links on its dashboard on Monday detailing new re-opening developments:
Cal/OSHA prepares for the June 15 Beyond the Blueprint announcement. The revised Cal/OSHA standards will go into effect no later than June 15. For more information, visit:
For more information about Beyond the Blueprint, see the flyer “What will California look like after June 15?”
>> The numbers are improving, but the virus is still active here. Stay safe, get vaccinated, wear a mask in crowds and social distance if you’re not sure who’s vaccinated! We will get through this together.
Cases by City on Thursday, June 10:
- Benicia added 1 new case today, a total of 1,003 cases since the outbreak began.
- Dixon remained steady today, total of 1,922 cases.
- Fairfield added 8 new cases today, total of 9,120 cases.
- Rio Vista added 1 new case today, total of 392 cases.
- Suisun City remained steady today, total of 2,293 cases.
- Vacaville added 13 new cases today, a total of 8,818 cases. Note that Vacaville is home to a California State Prison, which experienced an outbreak last week.
- Vallejo added only 3 new cases today, total of 9,908 cases.
- Unincorporated areas remained steady today, total of 103 cases.
COMPARE: Screenshots from Solano County COVID Dashboard on Wednesday, June 9:

The data on this page is from today’s and the previous Solano County COVID-19 Dashboard. The Dashboard is full of much more information and updated weekdays around 4 or 5pm. On the County’s dashboard, you can hover a mouse or click on an item for more information. Note the tabs at top for Summary, Demographics and Vaccines. Click here to go to today’s Solano County Dashboard.
- Solano County Coronavirus Dashboard (posted on the County website today).
- The State of California’s Open Data Profile at COVID19.CA.GOV
- See also on the BenIndy: Hospitalizations AND ICU Beds by REGION.
- See also my ARCHIVE of daily Solano COVID updates (an excel spreadsheet).
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