UPDATE: See today’s latest information
COVID is still dangerous in Solano County – get vaccinated, stay safe! (See Solano vaccine and MyTurn.Ca.Gov or PlanYourVaccine.)
Wednesday, March 10: 28 new Solano cases overnight, 6 new deaths. Since February 2020: 30,453 cases, over 940 hospitalized, 177 deaths.
Compare previous report, Tuesday, March 9:
The Benicia Independent editor is otherwise and very happily occupied tonight. After both vaccines and 2 weeks, we’re having the kids and grandkid over for dinner and hugs! YAY WHOOPEE!
My usual summary and analysis will follow on Thursday a.m. Meanwhile, look over the County’s report at https://doitgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=055f81e9fe154da5860257e3f2489d67
Roger Straw, Editor
The County’s Coronavirus Dashboard is full of much more information, too extensive to cover here on a daily basis. The Benicia Independent will continue to summarize daily and highlight significant portions. For more, check out the Dashboard at https://doitgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=055f81e9fe154da5860257e3f2489d67.
Source: Solano County Coronavirus Dashboard (posted on the County website late today). ALSO see important daily updates from the state of California at COVID19.CA.GOV, embedded here on the BenIndy at Cases and Deaths AND Hospitalizations AND ICU Beds by REGION.
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