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Big Oil Trains: Derailing Community Safety
A forum about increased rail accidents, refinery dangers, and climate change.

How will refinery expansions and transportation of crude oil by rail affect YOUR town?
A panel of experts and activists will inform residents of Benicia, Martinez, Rodeo, Crockett and Port Costa of Big Oil’s plans, both local and global.
Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 6:30 PM
Veterans War Memorial Building, 930 Ward Street, Martinez
(@ the corner of Ward and Court Streets)
Please join our panelists for presentations and Q & A:
- Marilaine Savard: spokesperson for a citizens’ group in the region of Lac-Mégantic, Québec. Last year, a string of exploding petroleum rail cars destroyed the center of the town and claimed 47 lives.
- Antonia Juhasz: oil industry analyst, journalist, and author of “The Tyranny of Oil: The World’s Most Powerful Industry and What We Must do to Stop It” and “Black Tide: the Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill”.
- Diane Bailey, senior scientist at NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council).
- Marilyn Bardet: watchdog activist for the Valero refinery and founding member of Benicia’s Good Neighbor Steering Committee.
- Nancy Rieser: spokesperson, Crockett-Rodeo-Hercules Working Group, challenging Phillips 66 on its Propane Expansion Project.
- Kalli Graham: spokesperson, Pittsburg Defense Council, fighting the proposed WesPac oil terminal.
Sponsored by:
In partnership with:
Sierra Club, 350 Bay Area, Communities for a Better Environment, Richmond Progressive Alliance, ForestEthics, Pittsburg Defense Council, Pittsburg Ethics Council, Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community, and the Crockett-Rodeo-Hercules Working Group.
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For those in other towns, we have related forums in Pittsburg and Richmond! See http://sunflower-alliance.org/forums-on-the-new-dangers-of-extreme-energy/
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