Category Archives: Benicia Unified School District

Benicia and Solano County schools extend school closures through May 1

Solano County School Closure UPDATE

Mar 26, 2020 | Latest News, nCoV

Dear Solano County Families,

Solano County Superintendents and Charter School Administrators have made a unified decision to extend school closures through May 1, 2020. This is a coordinated response that represents a continued effort to reduce the number of affected  individuals with COVID-19 and to keep our communities as safe as possible pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-33-20, the current Solano County Order to Shelter At Home, and in consultation with Solano County Public Health. The safety and wellness of students, school personnel, and the community are our highest priority.

Solano County Office of Education, Solano County School Districts, and Charter Schools will continue to provide remote learning opportunities for our students. Food services will also continue for our students on a daily basis.

This is difficult and uncharted territory and it will require patience, flexibility, and understanding from all of us. Our ability to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our community will not only help to save lives, but will also determine when schools may reopen safely for students and staff. We are reminded by our Public Health Officials that it is crucial during this temporary school closure that every member of our community follow the illness prevention and social distancing requests made by state and local public health officials.  They include:

  • Maintaining social distancing
  • Washing hands often with soap and water
  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Staying home if you are feeling sick
  • Contacting your healthcare provider, if you are experiencing any symptoms such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing
  • Engaging  in regular exercise or physical activity

Our situation continues to evolve and we will continue to communicate updates with any new information as we work through this together. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time and we wish you and your families safety and good health.

26 de marzo de 2020

Estimadas familias del Condado de Solano,

Los Superintendentes del Condado de Solano y los Administradores de las Escuelas Autónomas han tomado la decisión unificada de extender el cierre de las escuelas hasta el 1 de mayo de 2020. Esta es una respuesta coordinada que representa un esfuerzo continuo para reducir el número de personas afectadas con COVID-19 y mantener nuestras comunidades seguras. como sea posible de conformidad con la Orden Ejecutiva 26-20 del Gobernador, la Orden del Oficial de Salud Local, y en consulta con el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Solano. La seguridad y el bienestar de los estudiantes, el personal escolar y la comunidad son nuestra máxima prioridad.

La Oficina de Educación del Condado de Solano y todos los Distritos Escolares y Escuelas Autónomas del Condado de Solano continuarán brindando oportunidades de aprendizaje a distancia para nuestros estudiantes. Los servicios de comida también continuarán para nuestros estudiantes diariamente.

Este es un territorio difícil e inexplorado y requerirá paciencia, flexibilidad y comprensión de parte de todos.  Nuestra capacidad para mitigar la propagación de COVID-19 en nuestra comunidad no solo ayudará a salvar vidas, sino que también determinará cuándo las escuelas pueden reabrir de manera segura para los estudiantes y el personal. Nuestros funcionarios de salud pública nos recuerdan que es crucial durante este cierre escolar temporal que todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad sigan las solicitudes de prevención de enfermedades y distanciamiento social hechas por los funcionarios de salud pública estatales y locales. Incluyen:

  • Mantener distanciamiento social
  • Lavarse las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón.
  • Evitar tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca.
  • Quedarse en casa si se siente enfermo
  • Comunicarse con su proveedor de atención médica si experimenta algún síntoma como fiebre, tos o dificultad para respirar.
  • Participar en ejercicio regular o actividad física

Nuestra situación continúa evolucionando y continuaremos comunicando actualizaciones con cualquier información nueva a medida que esté disponible mientras trabajamos juntos en esto.

Benicia Schools extend closure through April 10, including Spring Break

Closures doubled from 2 weeks to 4

Extended School Closure Update 3-17-20
Mar 17, 2020 | Latest News, nCoV

Dear Benicia and Parents and Guardians.

In light of recent guidance from the State and Federal Government regarding Covid-19, the Benicia Unified School District is extending its school closure through April 10, which includes spring break. We are monitoring all of this daily and will continue to provide updates.

We deeply appreciate everyone’s patience and partnership during this critical time in world history.

I came across the following from one of my favorite authors Brene Brown:

“Fear and anxiety can drive us to become very self-focused. This global pandemic is a real case of ‘getting sick together’ or ‘staying well together.’ Our choices affect everyone around us. There is no such thing as ‘individual risk’ or ‘individual wellness.’”

In partnership,
Dr. Charles Young

Benicia school breakfast and lunch during coronavirus – available for pick-up at two schools

The following letter was posted on the City of Benicia websiteNote that families will pick up between 11am and noon, receiving lunch for that day and breakfast for the next day.  – R.S.

March 15, 2020

Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),

You are receiving this letter to inform that during the school closures, the Food and Nutrition Services Department will be serving free meals for all of our students.

Parents and students may drive or walk up to any of the two locations listed below to pick-up breakfast and lunch. If at all
possible please bring your students to receive those meals. Each student will receive a lunch for the day and a breakfast
for the next day. They will be all put together in a grab and go bag for your convenience. It’s food that’s in, while school
is out. Come one day or come every day it is your choice, but don’t miss this opportunity!

Meal Pick-Up Procedures:

● Start date: Tuesday March 17 through Friday March 27

● Locations:

Robert Semple Elementary
2015 E 3rd St, Benicia, CA 94510
*Entrance of the Staff Parking Lot

Benicia High School
1101 Military W, Benicia, CA 94510
*Turn into Plaza de Oro and keep right pass the gates until you see us

● Time: 11:00AM – 12:00PM

We are asking you to respond to this email: if you would like your child(ren) to participate in this program and which of the two serving schools they will pick up their meals. Please include their names, so we can
anticipate how many meals to prepare.

Tania P. Courtney
Director of Nutrition & Food Services Department
Benicia Unified School District
1101 Military West, Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 748-2758

Benicia and Solano County Schools closed for 2 weeks due to coronavirus threat

BREAKING NEWS – This school closure letter just arrived:

March 13, 2020, 1:40 PM

Dear Benicia Unified Families,

In light of the ever-changing situation with COVID-19, Solano County schools will be closed ­­­­­­­­­for 2 weeks beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 through Friday, March 27, 2020.  We will make a determination at that time about any further closures.

We did not take this decision lightly and recognize that this may cause a hardship for some families.  Each school district and charter school will continue to communicate directly with families and staff with updates about re-opening, learning alternatives, and the availability of school meals.

School administrators across Solano County appreciate the proactive illness prevention steps that our families and staff have committed to. Illness prevention steps make a significant difference in safeguarding the health of our communities, and we encourage continued attention in this effort.

We will be sending follow-up communication regarding specifics for BUSD school closures.

Dr. Charles Young
Benicia Unified School District Superintendent

For safe and healthy communities…