Category Archives: Coronavirus

Solano County March 19 Coronavirus update: Two new positive cases in Solano County: 10 total

UPDATE: See today’s latest information

Solano County has added 2 more positive cases since yesterday.  Total in Solano is now 10.

2019 Novel Coronavirus

Number of Positive Cases in Solano County: 10
– Updated daily at 2pm –

Current Guidance and Recommendations for the Community
NEW!3-19-20 Guidance for Homeless Assistance Providers

Situation Summary
Effective March 18, 2020, Solano County has issued a countywide Shelter at Home Health Order and Directive to continue protecting the health and safety of our community, clarify directive guidance in accordance with the Governor, and ensure consistent compliance across the County with social distancing and self-isolation measures. These mitigation measures are disruptive, but critical to curb the growing number of cases resulting from community spread, particularly given that most those infected show mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and Solano Public Health will provide updated information as it becomes available.

Solano County Coronavirus Warmline
Solano County has a warm line to answer questions from the public about COVID-19:
Call 707-784-8988
Hours (subject to change): 7am-6pm Monday-Friday.

City of Benicia extends closures to April 12 (previously March 31)

City Hall
250 East L Street
Benicia, California 94510
Contact: Lorie Tinfow
City Manager

FOR MARCH 19, 2020

Benicia, CA (March 19, 2020) — In light of the continuing need to minimize exposure of City staff and the public to COVID-19, City of Benicia buildings and facilities will remain closed through Sunday, April 12, 2020. While city hall is closed to the public, many staff members continue to work behind the scenes observing social distancing or working from home.

Parks will remain open. Most park restrooms will remain closed with the exception of those at City Park and the First Street Pier, open 7:30 a.m. to dusk. After yesterday’s Shelter at Home order by Solano County Public Health Department, it is important to remind residents that To-Go orders are available from local restaurants and exercising out of doors is encouraged with social distancing.

“This extension of the city closure is necessary to protect our community,” said Mayor Elizabeth Patterson. “I appreciate everyone’s participation in the effort to minimize exposure to COVID-19 and please remember to help others during this time as much as you can.”

Residents may find these links helpful –

State of California:
Apply for unemployment, disability or family leave benefits:
For businesses:
County of Solano Public Health:
City of Benicia:

Benicia Fire Department reminds you that when requesting emergency services: If you have flu-like symptoms, are quarantined, or under self-quarantine and need emergency services, please let the dispatcher know. Sharing this information with 9-1-1 dispatchers will help first responders take the necessary precautions to avoid spread of COVID-19. All information will remain confidential.

As conditions change, updates will be shared on the City of Benicia’s Coronavirus webpage at Please follow the City of Benicia, Benicia Fire Department and Benicia Police Department on social media and sign up at for neighborhood updates and information from the City of Benicia.

What can you do?
• See the CDC’s Coronavirus Disease website for updates, news and
symptoms to watch out for.
• Wash your hands often and cover coughs and sneezes.
• Maintain your social distance (no hand shaking or hugging) at events and gatherings.
• Stay in touch with older adults and encourage them to seek medical assistance, if they develop symptoms.
