Category Archives: Coronavirus

Solano County reports one new case of coronavirus COVID 19

By Roger Straw, March 16, 2020

UPDATE: See today’s latest information

Solano County is reporting a single new positive case of COVID 19, but the report is ambiguous, and seems to suggest that there are actually two new cases.  The total number of cases in Solano County reported on the County’s Public Health website rose from 6 to 7 on March 15.  UPDATE/CLARIFICATION: KRON4 News clarifies that there is only ONE person who is an adult dependent of a service member, and that the disease was from a community contact.

An additional Solano County case of COVID-19 found at Travis Air Force Base due to community acquired exposure

March 15, 2020

SOLANO COUNTY – Solano Public Health officials received confirmation that a Solano County resident and an adult dependent of a service member at Travis Air Force Base has tested positive due to community acquired exposure to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).  The individual is in isolation at their respective off-base residence. A Contra Costa resident and active-duty airman also tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and is in isolation at their respective off-base residence.

Solano Public Health is coordinating closely with Travis Air Force base to provide important care to these individuals. The agencies will continue to work together to mitigate the effects of the virus and provide pertinent updates as timely as possible.There continues to be a low risk of COVID-19 to the community. There are simple daily precautions that everyone should take, such as:

– Washing your hands with soap and water, and rubbing for at least 20 seconds
– Coughing or sneezing into a tissue, sleeve or arm (not your hands)
– Avoiding close contact with people who are sick
– Staying home when you are sick
– Avoiding touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose and mouth
– Performing routine surface cleaning, particularly for items which are frequently touched such as doorknobs, handles, remotes, keyboards and other commonly shared surfaces
– If you are an older adult (60+ years of age), avoid congregate and social gatherings
– Getting a flu shot to protect against the flu, which has similar symptoms to COVID-19

If you have recently returned from a country with ongoing COVID-19 infections, monitor your health and call your health care provider first before going to the medical facility if you develop fever and other sign/symptoms of a lower respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of breath.

For more information about this rapidly evolving situation, visit For local updates, visit or the Solano Public Health Facebook page, @SolanoCountyPH.

For information about influenza activity and surveillance in California, visit the CDPH website at

Benicia school breakfast and lunch during coronavirus – available for pick-up at two schools

The following letter was posted on the City of Benicia websiteNote that families will pick up between 11am and noon, receiving lunch for that day and breakfast for the next day.  – R.S.

March 15, 2020

Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),

You are receiving this letter to inform that during the school closures, the Food and Nutrition Services Department will be serving free meals for all of our students.

Parents and students may drive or walk up to any of the two locations listed below to pick-up breakfast and lunch. If at all
possible please bring your students to receive those meals. Each student will receive a lunch for the day and a breakfast
for the next day. They will be all put together in a grab and go bag for your convenience. It’s food that’s in, while school
is out. Come one day or come every day it is your choice, but don’t miss this opportunity!

Meal Pick-Up Procedures:

● Start date: Tuesday March 17 through Friday March 27

● Locations:

Robert Semple Elementary
2015 E 3rd St, Benicia, CA 94510
*Entrance of the Staff Parking Lot

Benicia High School
1101 Military W, Benicia, CA 94510
*Turn into Plaza de Oro and keep right pass the gates until you see us

● Time: 11:00AM – 12:00PM

We are asking you to respond to this email: if you would like your child(ren) to participate in this program and which of the two serving schools they will pick up their meals. Please include their names, so we can
anticipate how many meals to prepare.

Tania P. Courtney
Director of Nutrition & Food Services Department
Benicia Unified School District
1101 Military West, Benicia, CA 94510
Phone: (707) 748-2758

Proclamation of Existence of a Local Emergency by the City Manager of Benicia


[Download the PDF document here.]

WHEREAS, the California Emergency Services Act (California Government Code sections 8630, 8550, et. seq.) defines a local emergency as the existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the territorial limits of a city, caused by conditions such as an epidemic, which are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of a city, and require the combined forces of other political subdivisions to combat; and

WHEREAS, Section 2.36.020 of the City of Benicia (“City”) Municipal Code defines emergency as the actual or threatened existence of conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within this City caused by conditions such as an epidemic, which are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of this City, requiring the combined forces of other political subdivisions to combat; and

WHEREAS, Section 2.36.050(A) of the City’s Municipal Code designates the City Manager as the Director of Emergency Services for the City; and

WHEREAS, 2.26.050(A)(l) empowers the City Manager, as the Director of Emergency Services, to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when the City Council is not in session so long as such proclamation is ratified by the City Council within seven (7) days; and

WHEREAS, in December 2019, reports began spreading worldwide of a flu-like virus first found in China, that was significantly more deadly than the flu generally, with the virus becoming known as the Coronavirus (“COVID-19”); and

WHEREAS, from January 2020 to March 2020, COVID-19 spread throughout the world, with over 100,000 confirmed cases of individuals contracting COVID-19, and over 3,000 confirmed cases of individuals dying from COVID-19; and

WHEREAS, on March 3, 2020, the County of Solano (“County”) ratified a proclamation of a Local Emergency due to the threat of COVID-19 in the County; and

WHEREAS, on or about March 4, 2020, as part of the State of California’s response to address the global COVID-19 outbreak, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a State of Emergency to make additional resources available, formalize emergency actions already underway across multiple state agencies and departments, and help the state prepare for broader spread of COVID-19 following one official COVID-19 death; and

WHEREAS, as of March 8, 2020, the World Health Organization (“WHO”) has confirmed 105,586 cases of COVID-19 internationally, with 3,171 cases resulting in death; and

WHEREAS, as of March 10, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) has confirmed 647 cases of COVID-19 in the United States, with 25 cases resulting in death, with thirty-six (36) jurisdictions reporting cases, including California; and

WHEREAS, on March 13,2020, the President of the United States issued an emergency declaration relating to the widespread transmission of COVID-19.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Director of Emergency Services finds that:

A. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) has determined that the virus presents a serious public health threat, requiring coordination among State and local health departments to ensure readiness for potential health threats associated with the virus; and

B. The County has found that the conditions constituting a threat to community health, including a presumptive case of community infection, may be present in the County, warranting a proclamation of a County emergency; and

C. Conditions of disaster and extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within the City caused by the threat of COVID-19 that will impact significant City and community operations, including critical public infrastructure and services, and which will require the provision of additional public safety and emergency services; and

D. As contemplated in the California Emergency Services Act contained in Government Code Section 8550 et seq., including Section 8558(c), a local emergency exists because of the existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the City caused by the aforesaid conditions, which are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel and facilities of the City, and require the combined forces of other political subdivisions to combat; and the proclamation of a Local Emergency is necessary to enable the City and other local government entities to adequately plan, prepare and preposition resources to be able to effectively respond to the threat posed by COVID-19, and to warn City residents and visitors of the threat posed by COVID-19 and to enable them sufficient time to plan and prepare; and

E. In consequence of said conditions and pursuant to Government Code section 8630 and the City Municipal Code section 2.36.050, a local emergency now exists throughout the City of Benicia; and

F. At the time of this proclamation, the City Council is not in session.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, a local emergency is hereby declared on March 15, 2020, within the City of Benicia. During the local emergency, the powers and duties of the City Manager and the Disaster Council of the City shall be as defined in state and federal law, and the ordinances, resolutions, and approved plans of the City of Benicia in in order to mitigate the effects of said local emergency; and

This proclamation shall be transmitted to the City Council within seven (7) days for ratification, and this local emergency shall continue until terminated by further declaration of the undersigned, or by resolution of the City Council.

SIGNED AND SUBSCRIBED on this 15th day of March, 2020.
Director of Emergency Services
Press Release -City of Benicia COVID-19 Update 03.15.20.pdf