By Duane Kromm, May 7, 2024
The Flannery saga keeps getting stranger. Solano Together was invited to participate with California Forever at an event in early May. Both sides were given time to present, take part in a Q&A, and finally make a brief closing pitch.
We said, of course, we always want to explain why our Solano Together coalition is working to preserve farmland and open space, protect Travis Air Force Base from encroachment, avoid creating gridlock on our highways, and make sure we have enough water for our farms and cities.
We were quite surprised when the California Forever folks pulled out of the presentation at the last minute. They only wanted to participate if they alone would be making a presentation.
Sadly, this is becoming their norm. In the past two weeks we have taken two journalists on tours of the area; from Jepson Prairie preserve, through the proposed “New Community” land, and into Montezuma Hills. Both sets of journalists reported to us that California Forever would not even talk to them, much less spend time showing them the land, watching Travis missions fly overhead, or trying to explain why the gridlock they would create on Highway 12 would not be harmful to Travis’ mission.
Why would somebody who wants to win an election be so afraid of talking to journalists and taking part in town hall style meetings? I guess when you have billions of dollars you think you can control all of the messaging about their project.
Solano Together is eager to meet with any group who would like us to present our message or take part in a dialogue or debate with California Forever. Please call or email me, dkkromm@gmail.com, 707-580-7321, or connect through our website, solanotogether.org if you would like us to meet with you.
A postscript. Go out to Jepson Prairie now, it is spectacular. Weekends are best with the naturalists from UC Davis. naturalreserves.ucdavis.edu/jepson-prairie.

>> More stories on California Forever here on the BenIndy
Host Your Own Party To Support Solano Together
Solano Together is expanding its grassroots effort by asking people across the region to host small gatherings in their homes and communities to provide up-to-date information and expand its impact.
Hosting house parties is a great opportunity to get involved and contribute to Solano Together’s mission to fight this development proposal and help build an alternative vision for a sustainable and equitable future for the region.
If you’re interested in hosting a house party or just learning more, click the image above or visit the Solano Together website to get more information on next steps.
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