Category Archives: Solano County CA

Are you pregnant and worried about COVID-19?

From Solano Public Health on Facebook

Are you pregnant and worried about COVID-19? Help protect yourself by taking these steps. For more information, visit

Image may contain: possible text that says '#COVID19 Pregnant? Protect yourself against COVID-19. Wash hands frequently Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth Stay 6 feet away from others Wear a mask Get lots of rest JCDPH PH'


¿Está embarazada y preocupada por COVID-19? Ayude a protegerse siguiendo estos pasos. Para más información visite #covid19 #covid19cafamilies #StayHomeSaveLives #JuntosPodemos

Support for Solano County Emergency Renter Protection Ordinance

Posting here at the request of David Lindsay, for Common Ground California, April 21, 2020

Support for Solano County Emergency Renter Protection Ordinance

San Jose City Council approves emergency ordinance barring ...

According to the Insight Center for Community Economic Development, nearly 30,000 families in Solano County were one paycheck away from financial ruin before the Covid19 crisis.

Common Ground has heard stories from hundreds of such families in our 11 member congregations and non-profit institutions across Napa and Solano Counties. Landlords need relief, but renters and the homeless are under immediate threat to their survival.

While recent state actions will prevent evictions during the emergency period and for 90 days after, there could still be a tsunami of evictions afterwards, triggering a flood of homelessness and a public health disaster. To prevent this, we should treat unpaid rent during this time like any other consumer debt, such as utility and credit card bills, and guarantee renters the opportunity for a payment plan.

Requests for food and rental assistance at local agencies like Catholic Charities and Society of St. Vincent DePaul have already skyrocketed. The families in our congregations who miss two months of rent at even a modest $2,000 per month will need an extra $4,000 to pay it back; even 90 days afterwards, it’s simply unrealistic to expect that they will have the money to pay.

Common Ground CaliforniaCommon Ground has been working with tenant attorneys and county staff to research and draft a common-sense county ordinance providing a 12-month grace period for repaying rent and prohibiting late fees. This ordinance, modeled after successful ordinances in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties, would allow individual tenants and landlords to work out a payment schedule so families can stay in their homes, and landlords can become whole, using whatever resources and state aid become available. We also advocate suspending late fees and utility fees, which legal services organizations report that some unscrupulous companies are using as a back-door grounds for eviction.

Finally, we call on the county to staff a bilingual hotline for tenants and landlords, and to keep this hotline available after the crisis subsides. Hotlines in Contra Costa and San Mateo Counties are reporting high call volume, with landlords and tenants both in need of its services.

While state action is needed to enhance the existing mortgage forbearance for landlords, our county has the power to protect renters, and should do so. Burned into our nation’s collective memory are photos of Great-Depression-era shanty towns, where even middle-income earners evicted from their homes were forced to live in squalor on the outskirts of American cities. Many of the “essential workers” currently laboring at personal risk to their own health to keep our food supply intact, and staff our medical facilities, are renters. Protecting them will provide more stability post-COVID, both for individuals and the local economy. With unemployment in Solano County currently at 10%, and with some predicting that the national rate will reach 30%, higher than the highest rate during the Depression, let’s make sure that the photos left behind for posterity from this crisis will not show our neighbors sheltered in sprawling, unsanitary tent cities in our county, on our watch.

Common Ground Member Institutions:
St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church, Vallejo, CA
St. Basil the Great Catholic Church, Vallejo, CA
First Christian Church of Vallejo, Vallejo, CA
United in Grace Lutheran Church, Vallejo, CA
Congregation B’Nai Israel, Vallejo, CA
Vallejo Education Association, Vallejo, CA
Napa Valley Unitarian Universalists, Napa, CA
Napa Valley Lutheran Church, Napa, CA
Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Fairfield, CA
Fairfield Suisun Teachers Association, Fairfield, CA
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Vallejo, CA
Supporting Affiliate: Emmanuel Temple Apostolic Church, Vallejo, CA

United Food and Commercial Workers–Local 5
Napa Solano Central Labor Council
Catholic Charities of Yolo Solano
Vallejo Together
Fr. Blaise Berg, St. Mary’s Catholic Church

Solano County COVID-19 drive-through testing relocates to Fairfield

Solano County announcement on Facebook, April 21, 2020
Image may contain: possible text that says 'DRIVE-THRU TESTING UPDATE New Site: 2101 Courage Dr, Fairfield Available for symptomatic Solano residents who are in any of these groups: 65 and above mmune-compromised Individuals with chronic disease Essential workers who live or work in Solano, including healthcare workers and first responders 707-784-8655 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT 707-784-8988 GETHER SOLANO PUBLIC WE CAN HEALTH'
Facebook: Website:

The Solano County COVID-19 drive-through testing site will now be located at 2101 Courage Dr, Fairfield and will be available for symptomatic older adults who are 65 years & older, individuals who are immune-compromised, individuals with chronic diseases, and essential workers. Individuals must have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (such as fever, cough, chills, and body aches). Individuals must also live or work in Solano County. Testing is not available for those who do not have COVID-19 symptoms at this time.

Examples of chronic diseases include, but are not limited to:
• Heart disease
• Stroke
• High blood pressure
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Chronic kidney disease
• Cancer
• Diabetes

Testing is by appointment only and a valid ID or verification of ID is needed. You can call (707) 784-8655 to make an appointment. The phone line is open from 9am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday, or until all appointment slots are filled. Solano County will test individuals who meet the criteria above regardless of insurance or immigration status. There is no cost for this testing. Testing consists of a self-administered nasal swab, and results can be expected in 1-3 days.

This testing site continues to remain open to healthcare workers, first responders, and essential employees.

Please call the Solano Public Health COVID-19 warm line at (707) 784-8988 or email with any questions.

No photo description available.

COVID-19 UPDATE – Third death in Solano County, only one new case on April 21

Tuesday, April 21: one new case, one new death, total now 181 cases, 3 deaths:

Solano County Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Updates and Resources.  Check out basic information in this screenshot. IMPORTANT: The County’s interactive page has more.  On the County website, you can click on “Number of cases” and then hover over the charts for detailed information.

Yesterday’s report, Monday, April 20:


Solano County reported only 1 NEW POSITIVE CASE over the weekend and today – total is now 181 But Solano reported ONE NEW DEATH – total now stands at 3.  As of today:

    • No additional positive cases of young persons under 19 years of age, total of 3 cases, less than 2% of total confirmed cases.
    • 1 new case was a person 19-64 years of age, total of 149 cases, 82%, of the total 181 confirmed cases. No new deaths, total of 1.
    • No new cases of persons 65 or older, total of 29 cases, 16% of the 181 total. No new deaths, total of 2. The new death was someone 65 or older, total of 2.

ACTIVE CASES:  30 of the 181 are active cases. This is 5 less than yesterday.

HOSPITALIZATIONS: 42 of Solano’s 181 cases resulted in hospitalizations (1 more than yesterday).

The County’s “Hospital Impact” graph (below) shows that only 9 are currently hospitalized, 1 fewer than yesterday.  The County increased its count of ICU beds available from MODERATE to GOOD, 31-100% available.  Our supply of ventilators continues at 31-100%, or GOOD.  (No information is given on our supply of test kits, PPE and staff.)


  • Vallejo added today’s 1 new case, total of 71
  • Fairfield remains at 47 cases.
  • Vacaville remains at 26 cases.
  • Suisun City remains at 11 cases.
  • Benicia remains at 12 cases.
  • Dixon, Rio Vista and “Unincorporated” are still not assigned numerical data: today all remain at <10 (less than 10).  Residents and city officials have been pressuring County officials for city case counts for many weeks.  Today’s data is welcome, but still incomplete.


The County reports that 2,506 residents have been tested as of today.  This is an increase of only 43 tested since Friday’s total of 2,463 .  Again: why the slowdown?  Last week, around 150 new tests were reported daily.  (I have no information as to the reason for the slow pace of testing in Solano County – inadequate supply of kits, perhaps?)  Only 55 hundredths of 1% of Solano County’s 447,643 residents (2019) have been tested.

The blue bars in the chart, “Daily number of cases on the date that specimens were collected” shows why the County is interpreting a flattening of the curve.  Note that the daily date in that chart refers to the date a sample was drawn and so reflects the lag time in testing.

Solano’s upward curve in cumulative cases – as of April 21

The chart above shows the infection’s trajectory in Solano County.  It’s too soon to tell, but we may be seeing a flattening of the curve!  Still – incredibly important…

…everyone stay home and be safe!