Category Archives: Surface Transportation Board

CSX letter supports federal pre-emption of local regulation, including authority over non-rail-related permits

By Roger Straw, July 5, 2016

CSX Railroad files letter with STB in support of Valero Crude by Rail

CSX letter

On July 1, the City of Benicia received a copy of a letter from CSX` Railroad to the DOT’s Surface Transportation Board (STB).  The letter, released to the public today, supports Valero Refinery’s request for an STB declaratory order which would address the permitting authority of local and state governments over projects on non-railroad properties when a project involves transport of goods by rail.

CSX is the 3rd largest railroad in North America, after Union Pacific and BNSF.  The CSX letter exposes their vested interest in the matter:

The ICC Termination Act (“ICCTA”) was passed to “prevent a patchwork of local regulation from interfering with interstate commerce.”…But state and local governments are now testing the scope of ICCTA preemption with rules, permitting conditions, or other actions that indirectly affect railroads. While indirect, this practice still has the effect of creating a patchwork of inconsistent and disruptive regulation.

Note CSX’ clear reference to indirect regulation.  As Benicia Planning Commissioner Steve Young, environmental attorneys and others have pointed out, federal preemption of indirect regulation is an untested point of law.

Valero is not a railroad, and its proposed crude oil offloading rack is on Valero property within the City of Benicia. Valero, Union Pacific, CSX, Tesoro, along with other rail and oil industry activists and their allies want to extend their power to limit local and state authority. This is unprecedented.  The City of Benicia has every right – and responsibility – under its police and permitting powers to regulate land use on behalf of its citizens’ health and safety.

Note that in petitioning the STB, CSX, like Valero and the others, makes absolutely no reference to, nor shows any interest in the health and safety of California’s wildlands or communities.  This is all about the freedom of big business to do as it likes in pursuit of profit.

By petitioning the STB, Valero has thrust the City of Benicia squarely into what will surely become a litigated test case, perhaps rising all the way to the US Supreme Court.  Benicia’s staff and tax-supported finances will suffer years of time, effort and expense.

Benicia’s City Council can steer clear of this mess by denying the permit for Valero’s proposed project based on the many non-rail-related, local environmental impacts that have been brought to light in the last 3 years’ review.

Union Pacific sends letter to Surface Transportation Board in support of Valero

By Roger Straw, June 17, 2016

Union Pacific letter to the Surface Transportation Board in support of Valero Benicia Refinery

Related imageOn June 17, Union Pacific Railroad (UP) sent a letter to the Surface Transportation Board ” in support of the request of Valero Refining Company…for the Board to institute a declaratory order proceeding.”

UP is the railroad that would carry dangerous and dirty North American crude by rail through California’s mountain ranges, wildlands, towns and cities to Valero Refinery in Benicia, if Benicia’s City Council gives approval in September. Local observers here in Benicia have seen UP upgrading its infrastructure at great expense in anticipation of a Valero permitting success.

The UP letter is plain in its financial motivation, and says nothing about the health and safety of the earth or its inhabitants. The railroad asks for a free hand in all operations, direct or indirect, involving rail transport of hazardous materials.

Surface Transportation Board grants extension for public comments on Valero’s petition

By Roger Straw, June 10, 2016


On June 6, 2016, a formal request was filed with the Surface Transportation Board seeking additional time (until July 8, 2016) for replies to the Petition for Declaratory Order filed by Valero Refining Company.

The request was made by attorneys representing Benicians For A Safe and Healthy Community, Center for Biological Diversity, Communities For A Better Environment, Natural Resources Defense Council, San Francisco Baykeeper, Sierra Club, and Stand. The petition sought

The STB granted the request on June 9.

VIDEO: City Council directs Benicia City Staff to file a response to Valero’s petition to STB

By Roger Straw, June 8, 2016
(Be sure to scroll down for two videos: the 45 minute Council discussion, and a segment of the same video: 20 minutes of public comment.)

Benicia City Staff receives Council authority to hire an outside attorney to file a response to Valero’s petition to STB

On June 2, 2016, the Benicia City staff released a 5-page report to City Council for Council’s June 7 meeting. In the report, staff asked Council to “provide direction on whether to file a response to Valero’s petition to the Surface Transportation Board related to the crude by rail project and preemption.”

On June 7, City Council received the report and (if I understand correctly) directed staff to hire an outside attorney to file with the STB, and to consider additional attorney candidates other than those mentioned in the report.

The Benicia Herald reported on the Council’s June 7 meeting here. Minutes for the June 7 meeting are not available as of this writing. A video of the Council’s 45-minute STB/attorney discussion is available below.

The following video shows only the 20 minute PUBLIC COMMENT portion of the video above:

For more on Valero’s appeal, including its petition to the STB, go to our Project Documents page.  For public comments on the appeal and the petition, go to our Project Review page.