Does Solano County have 33% of ICU beds available, or 17.7%?

By Roger Straw, December 8, 2020

Conflicting sources on Solano County’s ICU bed capacity  – Solano Public Health presents a rosier picture

The State of California has readily available statistics on ICU bed capacity.  COVID.CA.GOV posts the actual number of ICU beds available by State, Region and County.  Solano County had 11 ICU beds available on December 6.

The State of California also  posts the percentage of ICU beds available by State, Region and County.  Solano County had 17.7% of its ICU beds available on December 6.

Solano County Public Health Department does not post actual numbers of ICU beds, but does offer a weekday update showing the percentage of ICU beds available.  According to Public Health, Solano County had 33% of its ICU beds available on December 5.

Now comes the fun part.  Or maybe not so fun.  Note that the State’s percentages do not agree with Solano County’s percentages.  Solano County Public Health Department consistently shows a higher percentage of ICU beds available.  I’m posting below two screenshots, first from today’s California page, then from the Solano County page.

My understanding is that hospitals report directly to the State.  I’m not sure where Solano Public Health gets its information, and why it consistently portrays a rosier picture.  Someone should look into this.

From COVID.CA.GOV on 12/8/20 – Beds available: 17.7%

From Solano County’s COVID-19 Updates and Resources on 12/8/20 – Beds available: 33%