North Dakota train explosion incites Benicia protest

Repost from the Vallejo Times-Herald
[Editor: Many thanks to the Vallejo Times-Herald for covering the Benicia Rally.  There were actually 21 of us there.  We chanted “Leave the oil … in the soil!”  Passing motorists waved, honked and gave us thumbs-up.  A few pedestrians stopped to talk.   – RS]

North Dakota train explosion incites Benicia protest

Chris Riley — Vallejo Times-Herald

About a dozen members of Benicians for a Safe and Healthy Community, a citizen group against Valero’s crude-by-rail project, stage a protest Thursday morning at Benicia’s City Park in light of Wednesday’s crude-by-rail train derailment and explosion in North Dakota. Benicia is currently processing the use permit and Environmental Impact Report for the project. The recirculated draft EIR is anticipated to be released for public comment June 30. Chris Riley — Vallejo Times-Herald