Press Release, 1000 Friends Protecting Historic Benicia, February 29, 2024
1000 Friends Protecting Historic Benicia filed our Opening Brief this week to protect the nationally important history of Jefferson Ridge Officers Row in Benicia Historic Arsenal.
You will see that the proponents of two housing developments are attempting to build 138 units of housing in buildings so huge and so close to the historic houses that in some places they could stand higher than the historic buildings. They would put dozens of parked vehicles across the streets, would destroy the views to and from the historic area, and so would destroy the history and structure of this most important Benicia place.
This historic area is a gem that would be coveted by any other city, for its tourist attraction, its economic benefits, and its unique historic status. Logically that history should be strongly protected by Benicia’s city government. But as you will see, it appears the City failed to take actions that could better inform the public, better inform city decisions, and thus could better protect these sites. We allege that the city attempted short-cuts, ignoring city ordinances and state laws, including its refusal to prepare an Environmental Impact Report.
Officers Row has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places, confirming its historic value for the citizens of all the states, not just for Benicia, and not just for California. That National Register status will almost certainly be withdrawn if these projects proceed. Please help spread the word about this threat and join the 1000 Friends in their event celebrating the connection of Abraham Lincoln to Benicia Arsenal, scheduled for April 19th. Watch for our publicity.
And please remember that if the history of Benicia Arsenal is lost, we have made Benicia a less worthy place for the entire nation and for all our nation’s descendants, not just for Benicia. And while housing laws and priorities can and do frequently change, and while housing can be built in dozens of places in the city, if the historic Officers Row is lost to these two projects, that historic Benicia site cannot ever be recovered. Once its gone, its gone forever.
Stand up for responsible government and for protection of our unique historic site! Join and Support 1000 Friends Protecting Historic Benicia!
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See earlier posts about 1000 Friends PHB on BenIndy:
- November 16, 2023 Historic Design Competition Opens Tonight, 6pm at Benicia Library – Entries On Display Nov. 16-18
- March 9, 2023 Sunday, March 12th Benicia Arsenal: A Cautionary Tale
- February 27, 2023 Community Forum: the Benicia Arsenal, A Cautionary Tale
- November 29, 2022 Local Non-Profit Sues City of Benicia – Development Threatens Civil-War Era Buildings And Grounds
- September 2, 2022 President Lincoln’s Historic Benicia Arsenal in Peril – Former Mayor Elizabeth Patterson
- July 21, 2022 Let’s Have an East-Side City park in the Historic Benicia Arsenal !
- September 6, 2021 Benicia Petition: Stop Approval of 163 Condos and Apartments on Jefferson Street’s Historic Officers’ Row
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