Benicia candidates’ final campaign finance reports

By Roger Straw, October 31, 2018

Final reports on income sources and campaign expenses as posted on City of Benicia website

Cash raised Oct 21-28
Birdseye $705 (Total $21,159)
Largaespada $830 (Total $21,814)
Strawbridge $0 (Total $23,797)

Expenses Oct 21-28
Birdseye $761 (Total $17,836)
Largaespada $425 (Total $14,783)
Strawbridge $0 (Total $24,354)

Cash on hand
Birdseye $3,323
Largaespada $5,964
Strawbridge $5,463

Birdseye income: $350 from Progressive Democrats of Benicia and 5 smaller contributions.  Birdseye expenses: TV and Facebook ads.

Largaespada income: $580 from the mega-PAC California Real Estate Political Action Committee (CREPAC).  CREPAC has received and spent over $4 million on a wide variety of elections this year, including $925K to the CA Republican Party and $800K to the CA Democratic Party.   Largaespada expenses: Benicia Herald and Facebook ads.

Strawbridge: Odd that she had no financial activity!  Pure speculation: maybe her plan is to spend a bunch AFTER the final filing deadline?  Reports on spending from Oct. 29 – Nov. 6 aren’t due until Nov. 9.

Links to the final reports: