All posts by Roger Straw

Editor, owner, publisher of The Benicia Independent

Benicia asthma rate well above average – statistics

By Roger Straw, March 27, 2019

Yesterday, Benicia  Mayor Elizabeth Patterson circulated an E-Alert titled “Asthma Rates in Solano County.” She supported claims being made that Benicia asthma rates are high, showing a detailed chart published by the California Department of Public Health.

The Mayor was challenged, evidently, on the accuracy of claims that Benicia asthma rates are at 30%.  Patterson wrote, “Questions are being raised about the asthma rates in Solano.  A quick search to confirm the stated 30% corrects that information below. However, in other studies the rate was listed higher.  Here is the  link.”

Today, Mayor Patterson sent another email clarifying her original source for the 30% figure: a Solano County report, “Asthma Rate by Zip Code.”   That March 2016 report showed “Prevalence of ASTHMA among Solano County adult residents is 2.2X the prevalence among all Californians.  Solano County: 30.1%, California: 14.2%.  Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Additional data analysis by CARES. 2011-2012.”

Patterson wrote, “You will see where I got my original 30% rate. Now [2018] the county shows approximately 24% for Benicia and so we are talking about a 6% difference.  The data from the County is based on data from medical facilities.  We have done presentations at the City Council and posted the information with various caveats. County Health is doing a good job and the information is getting updated. But at the end of the day, we have unhealthy air that contributes to asthma, cardio-vascular problems and diabetes.

California Gas Prices Expected to Spike in Wake of Shutdown at Valero’s Benicia Refinery

Repost from KQED California Report

By Ted Goldberg, Mar 26, 2019
Valero’s Benicia refinery on March 24, 2019. (Solano County)

California drivers — or the millions of them whose cars still run on refined petroleum — can expect to pay more to fill up their gas tanks in the coming days thanks to the partial shutdown of Valero’s Benicia refinery.

The retail cost of a gallon of gasoline in the state is expected to rise immediately, according to David Hackett, president of Stillwater Associates, a transportation energy consulting company based in Irvine.

That’s after a 12-cent spike in wholesale gas prices on Monday, Hackett said.

“That price increase is likely to get passed through to motorists over the next week or so,” he said. “You’ll start seeing prices go up starting probably today.”

The average cost of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in California is $3.51, 16 cents higher than a week ago, according to AAA.

Several agencies are investigating a series of petroleum coke dust releases at the Benicia refinery that began more than two weeks ago. Those releases intensified on Sunday, prompting city officials to issue a health advisory.

The Valero refinery’s flue gas scrubber malfunctioned, a problem that led to a sooty plume of petroleum coke to billow out of the facility’s smokestacks. To deal with the problem, the refinery is slowly shutting down a significant part of its operations.

Last week, problems at two other California refineries contributed to the recent jump in gas prices.

AAA says a fire at a crude processing unit at the Phillips 66 refinery in Los Angeles County and a series of flaring incidents at Chevron’s Richmond refinery drove prices higher.

AAA spokesman Michael Blasky said price spikes are the norm when refineries suffer problems that lead to curtailed production.

“When a refinery goes offline and supply drops, retailers incorporate price increases almost immediately in California,” Blasky said.

Wholesale suppliers that sell fuel to gas stations and hear about the Benicia refinery’s shutdown will probably go into the so-called spot market to buy gas, sending the price up, Hackett said.

The refinery problems come amid a jump in the price of crude oil over the last year, which has sent gas prices up nationally.

Valero’s Benicia Refinery Now Target of Several Probes Into Pollution Releases

Repost from KQED The California Report

By Ted Goldberg, Mar 26, 2019
A plume containing petroleum coke dusts wafts from a smokestack at Valero’s Benicia oil refinery on March 23. (Sasha Khokha/KQED)

State workplace regulators, the region’s local air quality district and Solano County health officials are trying to find out why a problem at Valero’s Benicia refinery suddenly worsened over the weekend, leading to a release of petroleum coke dust that prompted fire officials to urge those with respiratory problems to stay indoors.

The incident led to a partial shutdown at the facility and represents the worst malfunction at the plant since a power outage caused a major pollution incident in 2017.

The releases of elevated levels of particulate matter led several residents to complain of breathing problems and prompted Benicia’s mayor to call on Valero to pay the city back for its work dealing with the emergency. The partial refinery shutdown is also expected to lead to a spike in higher gasoline prices throughout the state.

Mayor Elizabeth Patterson said she’s gotten a flood of phone calls and emails from residents wanting to know why it took so long for Valero to suspend refinery operations.

“There’s a lack of understanding about how coke particulates could be continuously emitted throughout a couple of weeks,” Patterson said. “There’s not a lot of information that’s readily available to the public.”

California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health began a probe into Valero on Monday, the day after the company began the gradual shutdown of a significant portion of the refinery, according to agency spokesman Frank Polizzi.

Cal/OSHA becomes the latest government agency to look into the breakdown of a key piece of equipment inside the refinery that went down two weeks ago. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District and Solano County officials have launched probes as well.

Refinery Problems Started Two Weeks Ago

On March 11, the facility’s flue gas scrubber began malfunctioning. That meant the facility’s smokestacks began belching a sooty plume of petroleum coke dust — minute carbon particles that are a byproduct of the oil refining process.

The initial problem prompted the Bay Area Air Quality Management  District to issue eight notices of violation against Valero.

The air district and Solano County health officials said during the following days that the flue gas scrubber had been fixed and the coke dust releases were intermittent and gradually coming to an end.

But the black smoke returned on Saturday. On Sunday, fire officials detected high levels of fine particulate matter, known as PM10, around the refinery and issued a health advisory urging people with respiratory issues to stay indoors.

“What we were seeing was dark gray, almost black smoke coming from the flue gas scrubber unit,” Benicia Fire Chief Josh Chadwick said Monday.

PM10 is particulate matter 10 micrometers or less in diameter — larger than PM2.5 many became familiar with during last November’s Camp Fire, when smoke from the huge Butte County blaze prompted health advisories throughout much of Northern California.

Like PM2.5, the larger particulate matter is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.

EPA spokeswoman Soledad Calvino said the agency would not comment on ongoing or potential investigations.

The agency has said that once inhaled, petroleum coke dust can affect the heart and lungs and cause serious health effects.

“The additional concern is that this is more toxic than the standard stuff you’d find in the atmosphere,” said Anthony Wexler, director of the Air Quality Research Center at UC Davis. “It’s probably similar in toxicity to diesel exhaust, which is a known carcinogen because it’s sooty in nature.”

On Sunday morning the wind in the Benicia area was blowing east to west at about 6 to 12 mph, according to meteorologist Jan Null.

That meant the coke dust was being blown toward residential neighborhoods, said Chadwick.

“That was one of the big concerns I had,” Chadwick said. “We had a wind shift … that really turned it back toward the city.”

Several Residents Complain of Breathing Problems

Chadwick said the Benicia Fire Department received two 911 calls for respiratory complaints. One of the calls was for one person who was transported to John Muir Medical Center in Concord. The other was for two people who told paramedics who showed up they didn’t need to be hospitalized.

The wind on Sunday also sent the coke dust toward parts of Contra Costa County, according to air district spokesman Ralph Borrmann. The agency received several complaints from people in Benicia and a few in Rodeo, Borrmann said.

Fire crews have been conducting air readings since Sunday morning and the levels of particulate are back to normal, Chadwick said.

Air district officials are expected to release the results of their testing later this week.

It’s unclear why the flue gas scrubber began malfunctioning again.

Terry Schmidtbauer, Solano County’s assistant director of resource management, said his department’s investigation is focused on the scrubber unit, other refinery components that interact with the device and if refinery workers made a mistake in operating the unit.

It’s also uncertain how long it will take to shut down the affected parts of the refinery and how long that closure will last.

“I am not sure how long Valero intends to have the affected portion shut down,” Schmidtbauer said in an email.

Lillian Riojas, a Valero spokeswoman, did not answer questions about how long the shutdown should last.

On Sunday the company issued a statement about the refinery problem.

“There may be a visible plume and flaring as part of the shutdown,” Valero’s statement said.

Mayor Renews Call for More Refinery Regulations

Mayor Patterson has been calling for more regulation of Valero’s facility ever since the May 5, 2017, refinery incident — a push that so far has failed to result in action.

The City Council rejected her proposal to develop an industrial safety ordinance, similar to one in Contra Costa County, that provides more information to town officials about refinery problems.

The latest incident has prompted her to renew her call for action.

“We definitely need an industrial safety ordinance with the fees to cover the costs that it’s costing the city,” Patterson said. “When we are responding to these things, that means we’re not doing something else.”

Patterson said she planned to bring up the issue of compensation at a City Council session this Saturday.

A Bay Area environmental group critical of the oil industry and the agencies regulating it said the episode should raise concern about operations at other facilities.

“This is the latest sign that Bay Area refineries and our air quality officials can’t safely cope with current workloads, let alone the increased volume of oil processing planned by the industry,” said Hollin Kretzmann, an Oakland-based lawyer for the Center for Biological Diversity.

We resisted and resisted and resisted… and now what – over and out?

After the 4-page Barr Report

By Roger Straw, March 27, 2019
Roger Straw, The Benicia Independent

OK, Attorney General Barr.  OK Rosenstein and Mueller.  OK Donald … I’ve had it.

We stood out in the rain here in our small west coast town during the Inauguration and in February and March of 2017, we stood vigil, stood strong here and vowed, promised, to remain vigilant against the corruption we knew would spew forth from the p****-grabbing narcissistic liar who took a near-majority of the nation and a fateful majority of the Electoral College down a hateful path to the presidency.  We promised to remain vigilant.

And we did.  And what did it get us – so far?

Every blankety-blank day, we watched the news.  Sickened at first – for maybe 6 months, then allowing ourselves for the next 6 months to laugh at the ludicrous shenanigans reported on the daily “Trump Show” on CNN and MSNBC…  Every single day for these last 22 months, we’ve tuned in and read the papers in print and online, tracked the indictments, the leaks, the investigative reports, the fact-checks and distillations of uncovered seamy stories and the ridiculous “presidential” pronouncements, one after another after another…

And it’s filled our brains.  And yes, our hearts have been strong.

We lit votive candles with Robert Mueller’s saintly image on them, fully expecting he would bring us indictable facts that, indicted or not, would lead to impeachment and removal of the malingering sore on our nation’s face.  Most of us took the advice of our truth-telling Democratic congressional leaders and were patient.  Wait until Mueller issues his report.  OK.  Wait.  Wait.  Wait…

And what do we get?  A Barr Report.  Bar none, the worst news of our 22-month vigil.  A whiteman wash.  An exoneration that promises a bump in electability for the ninny who holds the office but does not serve.

What do we get?  He didn’t do it.  No culpability in the Russia attack on our democratic election.  Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t obstruct justice.  NO WAY!  We’ve watched the evidence pour in for 22 months and we know that the Barr Report is a mischaracterization at best, a conspiracy of obstruction in its own right at worst.

Well, for a day or two, I seriously considered quitting.  Maybe move to Canada, maybe just retire and eat ice cream.  Think and act locally and forget globally.  Give up on my nation, a nation that was.  And yes, a nation born in genocide and raised on slavery.  A nation whose heart is spoiled, whose lingering hatred flows unstopped in bloody red veins.  It’s not just Donald.  What, 40% of us support him?!

For a day or two, I was convinced that only evil lay on our horizon.  War, civil and/or otherwise.  Reversal of human rights.  A wall to define a gated people, a wall to unwelcome the masses, a tearing down of the Statue of Liberty.  A stiff-arm to the world and to human kindness.

Yes, for a day or two, I was ready to give it over to Donald and FOX and Kellyanne and Rush and Ann Coulter and Mitch and Lindsey and the mercenary breath of Sarah Sanders.  OK, Barr and Mueller – you can have it.  I quit.

But today is day three.  And I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.  My time – our time – isn’t over yet.  We will swamp you in 2020, and meanwhile, we will remain vigilant.  And who knows, the Democratic House and New York’s Southern District may yet send you packing before then.

Watch out, Donald – we’re still here and we’re not going anywhere!