[Note from BenIndy: This is a fantastic opportunity to learn from Air District insiders what the District does, how it does it, and what might be next. This is a free public meeting open to all, regardless of party preference or city of residence.]

From Progressive Dems of Benicia Meeting Notice, sent April 2, 2024:
Dear members and supporters—
We’re delighted to share more information about our April 9th meeting at 7pm, which we revealed last week will focus on the quality of our air – a hot topic given the warming weather and the recent Level-3 Incident at a local refinery. (The picture here is not from that incident, it is from a 2017 incident; click the image to be redirected to a YouTube news report.)
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), or “the Air District,” is our local regulatory agency when it comes to air pollution. It’s been around for decades, but its mission and activities are a mystery to many. Luckily, our amazing panel of Air District representatives will be on hand to guide us through what it does, how it does it, and what it’s working on to keep Bay Area residents healthy and safe.
Air District Panel

We are pleased to share that our panel will include BAAQMD’s Executive Officer/Air Pollution Control Officer, Dr. Philip Fine, formerly a presidential appointment to the EPA and the South Coast Air Management Quality District; Deputy Executive Officer of Public Affairs Viet Tran; BAAQMD Board of Directors member and Benicia Mayor Steve Young; and BAAQMD’s Community Advisory Council Co-Chair Ken Szutu, who also founded the Citizen Air Monitoring Network in Vallejo before serving as its director. We also expect that other staff members of the Air District will join us.
Zoom Details
Time: April 9, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
Passcode: 528756
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86273821941#,,,,*528756# US (San Jose)
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For more information, check out the Progressive Democrats of Benicia’s website.
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