Here’s some details on Sunday’s “Benicia Our Home” program and information that may be of help to those not familiar with the Clock Tower. This is a once in a decade – or a lifetime – Benicia event – don’t miss it!
“Benicia Our Home”
This Sunday, June 25, 3 p.m.
at the Benicia Clock Tower
The program starts at 3 p.m.
- Premier showing of video “Benicia Our Home” AND “The Making of Benicia Our Home”
- Overview of Benicia Poetry during the past three years of challenge and crisis
- California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick—Vision for poetry in our communities
- MC Mary Susan Gast, outgoing Benicia Poet Laureate
- Benicia “ZipOdes” sprinkled throughout
When you arrive at the Clock Tower
- You will be greeted at the entrance and directed to the 2nd floor auditorium. You can take the stairs or the elevator.
- When you enter the auditorium, please stop at the nametag table.
- Sign the copy of Yearning To Breathe Free that we will present as a gift to California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick.
- Enjoy the art display – Benicia Artists, Scenes of Benicia
- Books of Herrick’s poetry, along with Yearning To Breathe Free, will be available for sale.
Driving Directions to the Clock Tower, 1189 Washington St
From I 780
Take exit 5 toward Central Benicia/E. Second St.
- Turn left toward downtown Benicia on E 2nd St. at the end of the exit ramp.
- Continue on E 2nd St for about half a mile and turn left onto Military East at stoplight.
- Follow Military East .8 miles to Adams St. Adams St. verges to the left; make the slight left turn onto Adams. (It is really a slight left, not a 45 degree hard left.)
- Follow Adams Street .3 miles to a stop sign. To the left is a big sign, “Johannson Square, Commandant’s Lane.” This is Washington St. Watching for oncoming traffic, turn left onto Washington St. / Commandant’s Lane.
- Follow Washington uphill to the parking lot and the Clock Tower on the right.
From inside Benicia
- Find your way to Military East.
- Follow Military East .8 miles to Adams St. Adams St. verges to the left; make the slight left turn onto Adams. (It is really a slight left, not a 45 degree hard left.)
- Follow Adams Street .3 miles to a stop sign. To the left is a big sign, “Johannson Square, Commandant’s Lane.” This is Washington St. Watching for oncoming traffic, turn left onto Washington St. / Commandant’s Lane.
- Follow Washington uphill to the parking lot and the Clock Tower on the right.
From BenIndy contributor Roger Straw…

‘Benicia Our Home’ at the Clocktower will be incredible – kind of a send-off for my sweetheart of 52 years, Benicia Poet Laureate Mary Susan Gast. …Larnie Fox commented on Mary Susan’s poetry and leadership, “Mary Susan has been an amazing presence on the scene here, easing us through insurrections, mass shootings and COVID with compassion and insight.” As to the June 25 event, I can’t believe we ALSO have the California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick coming! And more – Constance Beutel’s song-video will bring Benicians together in an unprecedented way – such positivity as we’ve not seen in my time in Benicia… Mark your calendar now, and plan to attend!]

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